Sunday, February 12, 2023

What comes next?

If UFOs were visiting our world, where were these extraterrestrials? Could they be hidden among us? Comic books and television illustrate how the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors reflected the anxieties of that era. Well, I believe these aliens are already here in Second Life. 

Are these alleged visitors from other worlds peaceful and benevolent or would they attack and destroy humanity? We do not really know if they are more advanced than us, only Hollywood shows that to instill fear into us. Do not fear.

Sure, many of us have heard of abductions by aliens. I really don't think they would be so dumb and take any of us. No, they want to see what we have in Second Life. Here we can build an entire universe of things we imagine and interact with it. Who would have thought 40 years ago that this would be possible? We were barely discovering the Pacman game on our home television sets. It was an amazing technology that soon became available to us all. More entertainment followed that was computer generated and it advanced to personal computers most of us now have. Aliens want that technology.

We now have 3D graphics that look so real you do not know if you are in a game or in reality. Reminder! Second Life of course is not a game, but a virtual world where so much is possible. I remember seeing a report about how companies were investing in real estate (virtual that is) in second life almost 20 years ago. We have come so far.

I just hope when the aliens come and take us they let us bring second life along, so we can play a game within the virtual world.

Stay vigilant out there and do not worry about balloons. Did you know that the first rubber balloon was sold as a toy in 1825? Whatever comes next will come, we cannot stop the future, but we can embrace it and go with it. 

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