The fifth season refers to Fasching (Fasnacht, Karnival, Mardi Gras) German style. The Thursday before Ash Wednesday is also called Weiberfastnacht, which is reserved for women to go a little crazy. One of the rituals is that women cut a man's tie in the be aware men, do not wear an expensive tie.
All the parades happen on Rosenmontag, with floats and many caramels that get thrown from them. It is a wild day. People dress in costumes.
The Tuesday that we know as Fat Tuesday is the last day and ends the fifth season that started on November 11th at 11:11.
This year we have Thursday and Monday events at the Basement Club starting at 6PM to celebrate Mardi Gras or if you prefer Fastnacht. Come and wear your costume and celebrate with us.
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