Thursday, March 30, 2023


 "Flabbergasted" is another one of those English words that make me think about where it comes from. I immediately think of flatulence, the expulsion of gas, but I know that this is not the real meaning. 

It is one of those words that can be positive or negative depending on the connection of other words and events. In this case, I must say I am flabbergasted that Second Life is going to be twenty years old.

I suppose the equivalent of flabbergasted in the British version would be gobsmacked, which means astounded and full of surprise. I am gobsmacked that I will be in Second Life for 12 years this year. People in the real world ask me at times if I am still playing that game online. I asked in return what game? I tell them it is not a game, it is a world that is created by the users and anything is possible there. There are no winners or losers because that would be a game.

I use second Life for my art and my creativity at the Retreat. Who would have known I can have an art gallery with my collection that people from all over the world can view? I can have my own club for DJs to play music and we can dance and laugh. My favorite is to prepare a hunt during Halloween, which is not only educational but fun. I thrive for different and unique. I can be all this here. Yes, I am flabbergasted that I have so much accomplished here in Second Life and made friends that will last a lifetime. I am me. I am Anjelikka. 
Come visit my creations and meet me. The impossible becomes possible here and what other virtual world do you know that has been here for twenty years? Exactly: None.

Is it not an illusion, when the illusions look real?

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.

The future is now and we are right in the middle of it.
Amaze yourself and be part of it all.

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