Thursday, February 15, 2024

Valentine's Day is over, now what?

 Maybe you did not have a Valentine this year and that is ok, but what to do now the day after or weeks after?

Valentine's Day at the Basement Club
There are many other parties you could go to that are out of this world, at least here in Second Life. You could educate yourself about space and learn about some of the planets and the galaxies close by. You are always young enough to learn new things and everything is possible.

Second Life has many out-of-this-world creatures
You may want to travel to other sims and look around, there are many to see just like the universe holds many stars and planets. Or say hello to a complete stranger you see who holds some interesting facts in their profile. You never know who you will meet this way and may secure a Valentine for next year.

One thing that you may want to do is to do some Spring cleaning in your inventory. You know those hundreds of items you pick up at the Shop and Hop events. In my case, I have tons and items I find items I never knew I had. That is like shopping for free things in your inventory. I also find lots of junk that gets deleted, because that inventory gets pretty heavy. Organize it before it gets out of hand. How many items do you have? Let me know in the comments or send me a message world.
If you do a little every day then before you know it the inventory is nice and clean. (well maybe).

Take a deep breath go outside for a while and then come back to Second Life, things look always better after you soaked up some sunshine.

Aw! True love (Eric and Jolie)
Alright, time to put all these Valentine's things away and get ready for the next holidays.
St. Patrick's Day coming next month and that is another story about how it is celebrated here in the USA compared to Ireland, a story for another blog entry.
Notice the pattern of holidays all start with St.? Like St.Nicholas, St. Valentine, and St. Patrick. There is also All Saints Day, which is followed by the Day of the Dead. And before we end the month of February there is President's Day which again means more shopping. Remember to keep that inventory clean and get rid of duplicate items. You could also get rid of things in your real-life home if you are bored. 

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