Friday, July 19, 2024

Timeline Shift?

Hold it for a second. 
Seems like that is what people are talking about lately. Think about it when you have been living in Second Life for more than ten years, you have been teleported to a shift as you realize that so many years you spent time on this one thing. 

You live here in this 3-D virtual world, you have a home, a persona and you suddenly realize this is part of your life. That is a true timeline shift. Every time there is an update of Firestorm it is a shift.
When you first started your avatar had only freebies to cover its pixels and then you shifted to mesh, a mesh body, a mesh head. You shifted from a 512 sqm parcel to half a sim or maybe an entire homestead.

And suddenly you are part of the Teddy Bear's Picnic.

If you go down in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise!

In this case, the woods can be filled in as Second Life and there is always a surprise waiting for you.

It's a very simple children's song. It was originally recorded in 1907 by The Edison Symphony Orchestra.

See them gaily gad about
They love to play and shout
They never have any cares
At six o'clock their Mommies and Daddies
Will take them home to bed
Because they're tired little Teddy Bears

You know you have no care when you are in a club in Second Life and you dance like a weirdo showing off your disguise. Once you realize this you have crossed over the timeline shift. You know I am telling the truth.

Happy Timeline Shift Day!!!!

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