Sunday, October 22, 2023

Do we live in a simulated universe?


A common answer is that we live in an infinite multiverse of universes, so we shouldn't be surprised that at least one universe has turned out as ours. But another is that our universe is a computer simulation, with someone (perhaps an advanced alien species) fine-tuning the conditions.Perhaps it is Second Life that is a simulated universe. I don't know. I once read that people invent a computer and within the computer they build a simulated world and within there they will build a simulated world. We don’t need the intelligence to be conscious, and we don’t need it to even be very complex, because the evidence we are looking for is “experienced” by all computer programs, simple or complex, running on all machines, slow or fast.

After all they call it virtual reality, so it is real just virtual powered by computers and us behind the wheel.
I keep a digital diary sort to speak of my travels in that universe and it is there for anyone who wants to read it. My avatar lives through me, so it is real, because I am real.
A sim = Simulator is part of the virtual world, even in games such as the Sims or other PC games you become the charactor that steers the direction you are going.

I have used Second Life to display art, talk to people about PTSD, learn about music, be part of something bigger. I have gone to conventions and events in Second Life and see Professors from respected universes teach students in this environment.

“Is it real or is it Memorex?” was a popular advertising slogan from the early 80s for cassette recording tapes that Millennials may not recognize or identify with, but Baby Boomers likely remember this. The brand of audio recording tapes known as Memorex claimed to offer such an authentic capture, representation, and playback experience that the listener would not be able to tell if they were listening to the actual conversation or performance or it was simply being played back for them on audio tape.

We are living in a fast pace world and as things advance even faster and bigger, sit back and relax at least in Second Life you can fly.

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