Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dandelion field

Life is getting slowly back to normal without the constant pain. I decided to log back into Second Life and what do I see? An alien in the dandelion field. Did you know that this particular plant can be very helpful with many things? 

Though plants look obviously green to the human eye, they have another characteristic that is, in fact, more striking and I want to believe that aliens know this as well. This is mainly known as a 
weed but this plant has a healing power. Dandelion does have some positive interactions with humans — its greens are edible, and delicious in fact if eaten when young. The flowers are not only pretty but are also edible and can also be used to color foods, e.g. dandelion pancakes.

Dandelions can be used to make wine, however, the dandelions are only being used as coloring/flavoring agents — the sugars that the yeast ferment must be provided from cane sugar, honey, grape juice, etc.

Lucky here at the Retreat this plant grows wild and this may have attracted the alien. If you find yourself worrying, go outside, take three breaths, address a tree, and quietly say, 'Thank you.' If you can't find a tree, a dandelion will do... Nature is magic.

I am feeling so much better and missed logging into Second Life and soon I will be 100% myself again. 

I had an issue during the billing and had to call customer service and let me tell you, they were the nicest and most understanding people. Who says there is no customer service anymore has never spoken to an SL person who works there. Think about it who else understands that you are worried that your place might disappear? Thank you Second Life, I am so glad it all got taken care of and I had one less thing to worry about during my healing. 

Almost time to get ready for the SL21B. Twenty-one years of Second Life are remarkable, only we the Second Life residents would understand. More updates on where and what coming soon. Stay well, stay logged in :)

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