Sunday, September 8, 2024

53 Days before Halloween

Lotions and Potions and books of spells, I have to get busy and cast a spell.

Do You Want a Relationship To Fail? You know sooner or later it will break up anyway if it is not true love. People always say oh this is my soulmate and then it turns out to be the worst person ever.

I do not necessarily want a relationship to fail, but why not speed up the process if you can.

So MOTE it be!!!
Be careful what you wish for because anything you cast that could hurt someone can come back to you threefold. 

I found the easiest spell ever. Write down his and her name on a piece of paper. Roll it around any candle and then light the candle and watch it burn down. The spell has been cast. These two will not stand a chance and are starting to dislike each other and eventually break up. Now there is one drawback to this, if they are soulmates, you will not be able to tear them apart, even witchcraft has no power of true love.

Do not let anyone grab you from behind!

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