Sunday, September 22, 2024


We are getting closer to the month of sorcery. Nothing to fear or worry about. Many people fear witches and Halloween because of what they have read or heard. There are a few different factors that contribute to the development of this phobia. Witch hunts may have been the result of the overarching need for a scapegoat to blame illness and misfortune on. Today, genetics, social learning, media, pop culture, and traumatic experiences can all play a unique role in the fear of witches. Xenophobia, or fear of people who are different, also feeds into this particular phobia.

Don't fear being different. Embrace your uniqueness and stay weird, well in a good way.

"Wild and lovely in the night
eyes on fire burning bright.
What power unseen created her
to walk among the mortals here"

Fear is easy to do, you just follow those who are always worried and they will make sure you become a winner. Instead, be strong and be you, that is the most important thing on this planet, to be you. Second Life allows you to be unique because you are. Transfer that into your real life. Yes, there are limitations. You have to adhere to the rules. Never bestow pain onto others because it will come back to you.

I am not the best role model to tell you what to do, but I can tell you from experience that hate always loses in the end. Trust me when I say there are many times when I wanted to put a spell on someone and see them fall, but I didn't. They will fall on their own and the truth will come out. 

“An it harm none, do what thou will.”
Blessed be, everyone!

You do not have to be a witch to understand that rule.

I know people are scared of clowns or monsters and yes I believe that wiccaphobia is a real mental illness and it can cause a lot of anxiety and stress on someone. My fear is spiders, so I know it is a real thing. Get help if you need to get help. never fear that.

I am a Witch, I do not hide.
A path I follow with great pride.
Love and Light I share thee well,
with intent cast in a spell.

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