Sunday, September 15, 2024

Orange is the new color of love!

Well, maybe not, but a lot has been written about the color orange and how it affects your mood to feel more love. Orange is also linked to autumn and the color of dying leaves and pumpkins. The color is also heavily linked to Halloween in the United States, so it can sometimes have a dark or even cartoonish association.

Love Valley Autumn in Second Life combines the color of orange and romance. Ladies if you are looking for romance I found the men for you.

Orange isn’t a color ordinarily associated with romance. That dubious, cloying honor goes to reds and pinks—think long stems, no thorns, velvety petals on silky sheets. No, orange is the color of surprise and warning: a hazard sign, a smoggy sunset, a field of California poppies waving their heavy heads on the beach.

I have this love for orange and find it in many of the art pieces that I have created, as well as my decor in real life. Orange gives me that peace and inner joy. 

Orange, is a color that ignites the soul hue that can inspire, and make us whole
For in this color lies a power untold
The power of creativity, that we can behold.
Let orange be the color that fills you with might
That helps you soar, and take that daring flight
With the confidence of orange, you can do anything
And make your dreams a reality, let your heart sing.

If you are looking for a place to explore Love Valley Autumn is a nice place to meet up or just soak in the orange vibes. Autumn is here, so why not.

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