Friday, August 30, 2024

Do you like lasagna?

 I must have liked it because it appeared in a dream I shared with people in the Basement Club. It wasn't the lasagna I shared it was that I told them about the dream.

As lovely as a song,
that makes my belly sing along,
is a triple-layer lasagna
with 3 layers of pasta.

What is the big deal about lasagna? Well, it wasn't just that. There was much more to that dream. It was the person who made the lasagna. Remember that was a dream and I had no affiliation with this other than it or I should say he appeared in my childhood kitchen and presented that lasagna.

Four layers of bubbling cheeses,
and sauce;
that can appease,
to much ease,
even a hungry beast.
Weird Al Yankovic once sang a song called Lasagna: 
You want-a some-a lasagna magnifico
Or a-maybe spaghetti
Ay, you supper's a-ready now, here you go
Mama mia bambino
Mama mia bambino
'Samatta you
, 'samatta you, 'samatta you.

It was not him in the dream at all and even that would have been a bit weird as well. Just the fact that the person who baked the lasagna was someone I rarely ever watch on television. I knew he once made an appearance here in Second Life, demonstrating what you can do in the virtual world. It was when Ebbe Altberg appeared on his show. Although he referred to it as a computer game.

We all know that saying Second Life is not a game. Anyway getting back to the dream and the lasagna. Yes, I had a dream that Dr. Phil made me Lasagna in my childhood kitchen and I have no clue why this dream appeared. 

Thank you to Dr. Elvis for the picture
As much as I love lasagna, why would Dr. Phil prepare it for me? I must admit I was quite hungry when I woke up in the morning and really wanted to have some lasagna. 

I am sure some dream expert has an explanation for all of this and can tell me what it all means. I am just saying no to Dr. Phil at this time. 

Let me know in the comments what you think of all this. Oh and if you have a good lasagna recipe send them my way.

So now I sit,
and will close my lips,
but will open them wide,
for a triple-layer lasagna
with three layers of pasta.

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