Saturday, August 10, 2024

Poesy Wildes... an enchanting retreat that offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves into a world of literature, prose, and poetry. The air is filled with the whispers of verses, and every corner invites contemplation and inspiration.

This is a beautiful place full of poetry and a great place to take pictures. In Germany, there was a tradition for friends to write into a poesiealbum. You filled a page with a poem and some stickers and then returned it to the owner. It created a collection of memories. It is not like a yearbook, this is much more personal. I still have mine and it makes me smile often.

Whenever you think you can't go on,
From somewhere there comes a little light.
Whenever you've almost had enough,
When you can't do anymore, and feel unable even to cry,
Whenever you think you can't go on,
There's a small wonder waiting just for you,
And a little spark of hope,
Returns, bringing you better fortune.
Dark clouds pass over,
And the sun shines on you again.

“Willst du glücklich sein im Leben, trage bei zu Anderer Glück
Denn die Freude, die wir geben, kehrt ins eigne Herz zurück.”
Would that bring you joy?
The album included a date when the person wrote on that page and even the teachers were kind enough to say a few words. It was always something positive and that is how it should be. Here in the USA, the yearbook captures memories, and then friends and classmates write have a great summer. The poesiealbum is so much nicer ( at least in my opinion).

We all need a positive little poem to keep us going).
So, if you get a chance go visit this lovely sim and read some of the poems or just enjoy the serene beauty of it all. Poesy Wiles is a great place to escape the stress from real life.

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