Sunday, August 18, 2024

The wedding Critiquer

Remember a few posts ago, when I asked if people are still getting married in Second Life? The answer I found today, is yes they do. Brace yourself, this was very cutesy, mindful, and demure.

The guests stood on a wooden platform and I was scared that any minute it would sink and the bride and groom would have a good laugh. Luckily it didn't. 

Devon and Anna (now a married couple)
My invitation came a few days before the wedding and said to bring a friend or date. Someone suggested searching the dark web for a date last minute, but even there I had no luck at all. So, I decided last minute to go alone and see if there were other rejected hearts. Besides me, two lads seem to be single, but I didn't look into their profiles. Last time I trusted that the guy put a picture with him and his girl in his profile. I did not want to draw any attention to myself because get this I saw a woman wearing the exact same dress as me. I started to feel self-conscious, confused, or distressed over this and my thoughts were how can I change this dress real quick?

I know you are wondering who was getting married? Devon who met Anna just a bit ago got married. Everything goes quick in Second Life. One day you meet someone and the next day you are married and have little Second Life babies walking around going to the amusement park with you.

All that food and no Cheetos
Everything looked very pretty and even the bride and groom sang some songs live. (Of course, they were love songs). And there I am still standing in that red dress that I need to get rid of before anyone sees it. To get to the reception area you had to either swim or fly and I walked through the water hoping my dress would change and I should have done it then. 

Can you believe there were no Cheetos at this event? What nerves?

I do not think anyone saw me change.
While everybody was busy dancing and I was sitting, I changed the color of the dress. Whew!!! Saved by a HUD. 

On the serious side of it all. I do want to wish Devon and Anna a wonderful and happy life together here in Second Life. 


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