Saturday, August 31, 2024

Last day of the month, cemetery time.

 "As August comes to an end, rain may soon descend. I am ready for autumn and the owl's song, for summer, has been hot and too long.

Thinking of what trouble I can find
I am always looking for what trouble I can evoke to change the colors of the willow oak." ~Anjelikka

I love to change the Retreat into Fall or Autumn (however you want to say it) because the colors and the cooler weather are what I love.

I also love to hang out at my cemetery, because it always looks more spooky in Fall. 

The colors all blend together like a painting by Van Gogh, my favorite painter who must have loved the golden meadow.

I also like to read obituaries, maybe that sounds morbid but those were all people who had a life and I am always interested in where they were born and what their life was all about. You can find that at a cemetery as well. Here you slow down time like no other and force yourself to reflect. On your goals, on your life, on things you haven’t done yet, on things you’re too afraid to do, on how you want people to remember you one day, on how you want YOURSELF to remember you one day! – all kinds of thoughts and ruminations flow through you as you take it in.
Ravens are larger than crows

At those moments I reflect on how lucky I am and how easy life is today.” Yes!! Parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, inventors, justice fighters – all kinds of ancestors sleeping there, and all of whom helped shape this great community we’re now fortunate to live in. And I love it, that I have a cemetery right here in Second Life. I can dance amongst the crows. or even catch one if I like.

I think every time a month ends one should go and visit a cemetery whether in the real world or here in Second Life and be grateful you are still alive to be able to experience the silence. After all, they’re so peaceful! Thousands of people there and no one talking!!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Do you like lasagna?

 I must have liked it because it appeared in a dream I shared with people in the Basement Club. It wasn't the lasagna I shared it was that I told them about the dream.

As lovely as a song,
that makes my belly sing along,
is a triple-layer lasagna
with 3 layers of pasta.

What is the big deal about lasagna? Well, it wasn't just that. There was much more to that dream. It was the person who made the lasagna. Remember that was a dream and I had no affiliation with this other than it or I should say he appeared in my childhood kitchen and presented that lasagna.

Four layers of bubbling cheeses,
and sauce;
that can appease,
to much ease,
even a hungry beast.
Weird Al Yankovic once sang a song called Lasagna: 
You want-a some-a lasagna magnifico
Or a-maybe spaghetti
Ay, you supper's a-ready now, here you go
Mama mia bambino
Mama mia bambino
'Samatta you
, 'samatta you, 'samatta you.

It was not him in the dream at all and even that would have been a bit weird as well. Just the fact that the person who baked the lasagna was someone I rarely ever watch on television. I knew he once made an appearance here in Second Life, demonstrating what you can do in the virtual world. It was when Ebbe Altberg appeared on his show. Although he referred to it as a computer game.

We all know that saying Second Life is not a game. Anyway getting back to the dream and the lasagna. Yes, I had a dream that Dr. Phil made me Lasagna in my childhood kitchen and I have no clue why this dream appeared. 

Thank you to Dr. Elvis for the picture
As much as I love lasagna, why would Dr. Phil prepare it for me? I must admit I was quite hungry when I woke up in the morning and really wanted to have some lasagna. 

I am sure some dream expert has an explanation for all of this and can tell me what it all means. I am just saying no to Dr. Phil at this time. 

Let me know in the comments what you think of all this. Oh and if you have a good lasagna recipe send them my way.

So now I sit,
and will close my lips,
but will open them wide,
for a triple-layer lasagna
with three layers of pasta.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Childhood Memories and the EEP

 "I loved going to the cemetery and reading the names of the tombstones and thinking about these people and if they ever traveled or what they had done to enjoy their lives. Not a wonderful playground for a princess to seek. My father hated it. My mother feared the dead. I loved the silence. One time I caught a beautiful salamander from a well in the cemetery and took it home. 

I explained to Johny why I have lizards (Salamaders) in my cemetery

My father didn’t approve of this at all and thought I should never touch things in a cemetery. I wanted to care for him, my little August. I chose that name because I found a name like that on a tombstone. Little August would have his very own place on the balcony, his own pool in a bowl of water I provided for him. This was when I found out that what you hear and see is not always true. My father told me that August left the balcony in the night and probably returned to where he belonged. I was heartbroken. I wanted so much to take care of him and I knew he never made it back there without me. 

It defined my fairytale at that moment to find some creatures in this big wide world you cannot take care of." 
Anjelikka Kowalski from the stories about my childhood

We then talked about the 
environmental enhancement project or EEP. It is basically changing the wind light setting so all visitors who come to your parcel can enjoy that experience as well. I use this a lot for different photo sessions and to set the mood for that season. I am including a video so you can see how this works. Once you tried this you will love it.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Forced labor for patience

 I often force Alfred to come into Second Life so I can take pictures. He does not mind, but he also tells me he does not like how long the photoshoot takes.

Things take time to get the right shot. There is lighting and poses to consider and I take more than one picture.

Patience teaches you to be calm and to live in that moment. We forget this. We live in the past or future and we forget the now. 

Whenever I traveled home to Germany I tried to stay in the now and breathe in every drop of the present. It is not always easy, it takes patience to do this. Practice it some time, it can be quite rewarding. This last week I got a lot of inspiration while I was changing the Retreat to Autumn and I really want to make true to some of the ideas. In order to do this I need this little quiet time to enjoy what I do have and how beautiful it all looks. 
Some people may not care about all of this and they are just here, but for me, I want some meaningful experiences and they do not consist of going to Clubs and meeting guys and having some pixelated adult exchanges.

If that is your thing, then do that. You should do what you like, what makes you feel good. For me is to create and then look at it all and wonder, how did all of this come together?

I see this when I take down a parcel and I did just that this past week. A huge portion of the Retreat has been taken down and is not for sale. You have to hurry if you want this land. It is located right by Route 12 in Second Life and is pretty cheap. If there are no buyers, they will be abandoned.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Retreat's Halloween Art Show


"Only lovers
see the fall
a signal end to endings
a gruffish gesture alerting
those who will not be alarmed
that we begin to stop
in order to begin

The art show is just in time to transition from summer to fall and Halloween. Throughout the years I have drawn and painted Halloween themes that I make into postcards. I have never shown them here in Second Life, but this will be the first time. 

When you enter the Retreat just walk straight to the gallery. You will see the displays among the chummy skeletons. You will notice the Retreat and its Autumn Leaves of orange, yellows, and reds. It is my favorite time of the year. Yes, I know we are just finishing August, but why wait? That is the beauty of Second Life, you don't have to wait.

The art comes in different styles from just pencil and ink drawings to watercolors. My favorite medium is watercolors, but I have done acrylics as well.

I hope you come on over and explore the Retreat and the Gallery and take pictures or even get inspired to start your own Fall decor. Don't forget to visit the Basement Club, it is right below the gallery and we do have DJs who play some excellent music here. Not your mainstream kind of stuff. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Too Eary for Halloween Decor?

There is no written rule about when to decorate for Fall and Halloween. We all know that these things are already out in the real world. What I love about Second Life is that I can decorate for these events all year round. You would understand when you experience the hot climate where I live that Fall looks ever so good. And why not? Here I can cool off a little or at least immerse myself into Fall and Halloween.
I love the Fall colors and they remind me of home. When I am here I can have a bit of my childhood home. 

When Autumn comes...
My soul is reawakened –
All my senses being fully restored,
by the crisp bite of a chilly fall evening.
When Autumn comes...
My spirit brightens with the season,
beholding nature’s blazing spectacle of color,
experiencing a cornucopia of awesome wonder!

The colors are always so spectacular and I am not a pink Barbie type of girl.

When Autumn comes...worries simply drop from my mind like leaves falling from the trees,
anticipating their dance with the harvest wind.

So, yes I started decorating for Fall and Halloween at the Retreat. Why not stop by and check it out? I will be adding some of my spooky art pictures in front of the Retreat Gallery as well. 

Do what brings you JOY.
Do not worry about what the neighbors think
So, get ready and enjoy the beginning of the second most decorated Holiday of the year not only in Real Life but also here in Second Life. 

You can dress up or not, you can have parties or not. You can buy candies or not. ( I love Halloween candy, but then again I love all candies, especially chocolate ).

On Halloween, you find what makes you happy, and do that. The ultimately free holiday.

There are a million things you can do to celebrate Halloween, and you’ll be celebrating with millions before you, and millions around the world.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition? Let me know in the comments below!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The wedding Critiquer

Remember a few posts ago, when I asked if people are still getting married in Second Life? The answer I found today, is yes they do. Brace yourself, this was very cutesy, mindful, and demure.

The guests stood on a wooden platform and I was scared that any minute it would sink and the bride and groom would have a good laugh. Luckily it didn't. 

Devon and Anna (now a married couple)
My invitation came a few days before the wedding and said to bring a friend or date. Someone suggested searching the dark web for a date last minute, but even there I had no luck at all. So, I decided last minute to go alone and see if there were other rejected hearts. Besides me, two lads seem to be single, but I didn't look into their profiles. Last time I trusted that the guy put a picture with him and his girl in his profile. I did not want to draw any attention to myself because get this I saw a woman wearing the exact same dress as me. I started to feel self-conscious, confused, or distressed over this and my thoughts were how can I change this dress real quick?

I know you are wondering who was getting married? Devon who met Anna just a bit ago got married. Everything goes quick in Second Life. One day you meet someone and the next day you are married and have little Second Life babies walking around going to the amusement park with you.

All that food and no Cheetos
Everything looked very pretty and even the bride and groom sang some songs live. (Of course, they were love songs). And there I am still standing in that red dress that I need to get rid of before anyone sees it. To get to the reception area you had to either swim or fly and I walked through the water hoping my dress would change and I should have done it then. 

Can you believe there were no Cheetos at this event? What nerves?

I do not think anyone saw me change.
While everybody was busy dancing and I was sitting, I changed the color of the dress. Whew!!! Saved by a HUD. 

On the serious side of it all. I do want to wish Devon and Anna a wonderful and happy life together here in Second Life. 


Saturday, August 17, 2024

The forest soul

Let’s breathe in the scent of the wildflowers,
And feel the magic that the forest showers,
Let’s immerse in the serenity and calm,
And let the soul of the forest be our balm.

I meet you in the forest because nobody can see us here, just the animals who live amongst the trees and moss.

In the heart of the woods, where the trees stand tall, and the rustling of leaves echoes like a call, there lies a soul so pure and true, that speaks to me and maybe to you.
It’s the soul of the forest, ancient and wise, a spirit so gentle, yet strong enough to rise,
above the noise of the world, we know, and guide us on a path that will help us grow.

You can find this piece of forest right behind the gallery. Feel free to enjoy and spend some calm time here.

Although I am trying to reduce some of the Retreat I still want to keep a bit of the forest that I love and of course the beauty of tress and flowers to a point that you can almost smell it.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Magic Moments Ball Room!

Experience the enchantment of Magic Moments Ball Room! Immerse yourself in a world of elegance and sophistication, where every moment is pure magic. Enjoy live entertainment that will captivate your senses and leave you spellbound. Whether you're looking for a night of dancing, romance, or simply a magical escape from the every day, Magic Moments Ball Room has it all. An unforgettable evening of music, dance, and pure enchantment at Magic Moments Ball Room!

I must say I felt out of place with all the beautiful people dressed in fabulous gowns and tuxes and here I was in my torn jeans still sweaty and dirty from the amusement park below, but I was told I was welcome and there was no need to change to come on in and dance and listen. And I did!

I was enchanted by the beautiful voice of Lynnie Michigan, who also played the piano. It was such a treat to hear this. After her performance, KB McAuley also sang and he is another valuable second-life entertainer. 

I am such a sucker for live entertainers because I know it is not an easy task and you have to have talent for this. I am a DJ, but I only spin music created by others. 
I wanted to ask both of them so badly if they would love to perform at the Basement Club, but I was afraid of rejection. Maybe I will when I am dressed in some fabulous gown and return here.
After all, I do have many gowns I never really get to wear and it is time that I do so. I will be back here for sure. In the meantime, why not check it out for yourself?

May I suggest Justin Elias Fashion to check out for some enchanting gowns that will make you shine like a princess?

I want to thank the lovely people here for letting me listen in and enjoy this great talent of the two entertainers. I love Second Life with all these creative people in it. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Pandamonium Adventure Park!

Sometimes my inventory is pure pandemonium with clothes, building materials, pictures, etc. Instead of dealing with that, I decided to go to Pandamonium Adventure Park! 

Welcome to Pandamonium Adventure Park, where the excitement never ends! With so many rides to choose from, you'll be entertained for hours on end. Whether you're a thrill-seeker looking for heart-pounding roller coasters or prefer a more relaxed experience on the carousel, we have something for everyone. Come soar through the sky on our zip line or test your courage on our challenging obstacle course. Don't forget to cool off on a hot day at our water rides or enjoy a sweet treat at one of our snack stands. Get ready for a day full of fun and thrills at Fun Adventure Park!

The people here are also super friendly from law enforcement to inviting you on rides with you. Why would you want to ride alone when you can share a ride?

If you do have some friends in Second Life invite them and go together. I know you will have some fun times. 

I really liked the music that was playing here as well. If you like the 80s, then the music will help you get that true adventure park kinda feeling.

The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. 
"hey Devon, you missed my singing debut."

Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride."

I hope you will come and explore this place have some fun and forget about the seriousness of the rides in real life. Here in Second Life, you can have it all without any worries.

The best thing about this park it does not cost anything and your precious Linden dollars are save. 

While I was exploring I also came across a few other spots on this sim that are also worthwhile mentioning. I will write that in the next blog entry.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Poesy Wildes... an enchanting retreat that offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves into a world of literature, prose, and poetry. The air is filled with the whispers of verses, and every corner invites contemplation and inspiration.

This is a beautiful place full of poetry and a great place to take pictures. In Germany, there was a tradition for friends to write into a poesiealbum. You filled a page with a poem and some stickers and then returned it to the owner. It created a collection of memories. It is not like a yearbook, this is much more personal. I still have mine and it makes me smile often.

Whenever you think you can't go on,
From somewhere there comes a little light.
Whenever you've almost had enough,
When you can't do anymore, and feel unable even to cry,
Whenever you think you can't go on,
There's a small wonder waiting just for you,
And a little spark of hope,
Returns, bringing you better fortune.
Dark clouds pass over,
And the sun shines on you again.

“Willst du glücklich sein im Leben, trage bei zu Anderer Glück
Denn die Freude, die wir geben, kehrt ins eigne Herz zurück.”
Would that bring you joy?
The album included a date when the person wrote on that page and even the teachers were kind enough to say a few words. It was always something positive and that is how it should be. Here in the USA, the yearbook captures memories, and then friends and classmates write have a great summer. The poesiealbum is so much nicer ( at least in my opinion).

We all need a positive little poem to keep us going).
So, if you get a chance go visit this lovely sim and read some of the poems or just enjoy the serene beauty of it all. Poesy Wiles is a great place to escape the stress from real life.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Some Basement Club Improvements

The Basement Club has been enlarged and a door has been added. You now can reach the Basement from Route 12. Thanks to Elvis who came up with that idea. 

Next to the door is also a teleport to the Retreat Gallery, so you can view all the art or hand out at the Retreat. The backlot of the Retreat is kind of separated into parcels, which I will either sell or abandon. It is heartbreaking to me, but the interest of others is not that.
I see people pay 1000s of Lindens per tier for a small parcel and I always had mine really cheap. 

"One day, you're 17 and you're planning for someday. And then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life." – John Green

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Paging Dr. Beat

Come and visit me at the Retreat, it is a nice place for photographs and even relaxing with a loved one or meeting friends. Stroll along and see the Retreat Gallery, which features fine art paintings.

I will be planning some events in the near future, so check here or inworld often and see what is happening.

I even was able to livestream in our Discord group from an event. Think coming live to you on Discord while you are not even online. I am excited about all of that. Some new tools and tricks to learn.

I want to thank all the people who have supported me and the Retreat throughout the years. Thank you, thank you. Your time spent here helps my being to stay sane.