Sunday, December 25, 2022

Home for the holidays

Being finally home and being able to sleep in my bed is a miracle.
My recovery will be an ongoing thing. Life has changed forever.

But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people; first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest -a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Only a life lived for others is worth living.

--Albert Einstein

May you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah...hug your loved ones...thank your friends and I see you in Second Life soon :)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

2 days before death and how Second Life helped me

The title sounds a bit crazy, but let me tell you it is the truth. 

I underwent a risky procedure to literally suck these clots out of my lungs and all that without any sedatives to put me out. This one I had to endure fully awake. It wasn't the most fun thing I have ever done. I think having my heart broken by an elf hurt more than this. I wish he knew that his voice would have made a BIG impact here. (But F U with your girlie panties and your no-good cheater old hag.) Some people are not worthwhile, you get yours.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.~ Albert Einstein

That evening I was relaxing in my most uncomfortable hospital bed listening to DJ Dandy streaming from the Basement Club some mellow music that aids in healing. I felt good and thought it was a nice gesture. You don't understand that the people in Second Life make a big difference even if we never met them, but they become friends and they help you and give you strength. Without Second Life I would have never had this, so I am lucky.

Things got worse and it is hard to even describe this, it is the horror that I wish upon nobody.
I get this phone call from my brother-in-law and he tells me my sister died. (She had been suffering for a long time). The time of her death was approximately the time I throw up blood during surgery as crazy as it sounds.

My task now was to notify her sons, and my brother in Germany and let them know since we do have a language barrier here. I am telling you unreal. My mother had died Christmas Day while I was in Germany and I questioned myself, why and how can this happen?

The nurses and doctors swung into action to hook up my phone as I cried my heart out and made that call.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Transfer to a new hospital

The doctors have decided that I need to be transferred to a new hospital that has specialists and equipment that can handle the massive demon inside of me.
No going home for Christmas. More blood is drawn out of my collapsed veins.
Tomorrow they have me scheduled for my CT scans and ultrasounds and then the Lung Doctor including the resident doctors will advise me on what can be done.

Update 2

Same...only the food that I get from home. I am literally crying. I am starving by now and I would eat chicken but now they discovered I have a ton of food allergies and am on a cardiac diet until further notice.

I do not care anymore...still have no food that I really eat..dumb people who cannot draw hands are so bruised I cannot even wipe myself...then I sit or lay here for hours...while I think everybody is enjoying their winter break...oh to top it off my job wants me to submit a TB that is due Jan 3...which was already submitted last week...most likely I will not work anyway.

You learn all sorts of things when you are in the hospital, the routine, the good nurses, and the ones that just do their jobs. The Doctors
are puzzled and don't know yet how to really treat this.

My IV machine has been beeping for hours...I can't reach the call I am literally just waiting...waiting...not sure for what...Am I waiting to go home?

I miss Second Life for sure and how wonderful it would be to escape into this world. For now, have to wait it out.
I am grateful to Dandy who has checked up on me via Discord and hopefully he reported back to all the Basement Dwellers that I am not avoiding them, but I am here waiting.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Update 1

Things got a bit worse and I was admitted to the hospital. After all the CT Scans and Ultrasounds it showed that I had a massive blot clot ( Pulmonary Embolism) in my lungs that is slowly ending my life. I also had many clots in my legs as well.
Hooked up to many devices and IVs, all I can hope for is the best is that I make it out of here. The constant blood tapping hurts like needles on a cactus. I swear these people in here are vampires.
I am trying to be good.. but they keep sending me chicken to eat...I told them I am a vegetarian but maybe the kitchen thinks chicken is a vegetable. So I ate nothing all day.

I do want to be home for Christmas.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Keep me in your thoughts

So here I am in bed again with chills...and all the anemic symptoms I had before...I hope the medication kicks in fast. I barely made it from my classroom to my car. I have a feeling this is a little more than what I normally get.
I am missing Second Life tonight so I can rest over the weekend.

Hugs my friends...Real Life right now needs my time.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

On the road to recovery

 I hope to feel better soon, so I can explore Second Life. It has been a roller coaster of being ill...hate it.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Fall Equinox

It is Pemberley, but not of old, the time has passed, and the land has grown wild, and yet the magic lives on at Pemberley.  Host to live music and open to the public to explore.

Not everywhere is Winter in Second Life. There are still some gorgeous places that celebrate the warm colors of Fall. I found this magical place called Pemberly.  Created by Landscaper and scenographer:  Terry Fotherington
As fall lingers on with its radiant colors of bright orange, browns, and persimmon we get ready to celebrate the feast of Fall Equinox (which starts actually in September) here are some things you can do in Real Life and Second Life:

  1. Clean, and declutter the house to prepare for the season (your inventory is a mess)
  2. Decorate the house, bringing pieces of nature inside
  3. Burn white and black candles in your home to honor the dark and the light
  4. Journal about all the abundance in your life (like a blog?)
  5. Host a feast for friends and/or family using produce from a local farm
  6. Help cook a meal for those who need it the most
  7. Apples represent wisdom and magic and we’re fortunate in N.C. to have so many apple orchards to enjoy. So go pick some apples - make a pie, cake, or homemade bread with them.

Reflect on all the things that you can be thankful for. There have been blessings whether small or large. Acknowledge them.

What is your biggest achievement this year? Don't be modest, you know you have done some good. Just like in Fall as the leaves fall to create a new vibrant beginning, so can you. 

I just love Fall and it brings me so much joy to find a place like Pemberly to visit.
Now get ready for that big feast that we call Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

Friday, November 18, 2022

I've got plenty to be thankful for

Hard to believe that the holidays are around the corner. How did this happen? What are you thankful for?

I've got plenty to be thankful forI haven't got a great big yacht ( I do in Second Life )To sail from shore to shoreStill, I've got plenty to be thankful for.

If we just think of those things that we take for granted our list would be so big. As I get older I do not have as much energy to spend the endless hours I used to spend in Second Life. I still enjoy it very much. Your creativity is more important than you may realize and here you can freely be yourself or whatever you like. Be thankful for having internet and a pc that can tolerate Second Life. Oh, that glorious WiFi. 

Make yourself some hot cocoa and be thankful for all you experience here. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The BRAND-NEW Basement Gacha Store

The Basement Gacha Store has many cool items all for sale. I add new stuff every week. My inventory has been overflowing with my addiction to gachas. I hope you go and check out what I have stored for you in the Basement Gachas Store. All items you find here are marked under the marketplace values, so you easily can resell them and still make a profit.

You will find anything from clothes (mainly women) furniture, decor, seasonal items and so much more starting from 5l to RARE. These items are going fast.
All proceeds go into the Basement Club to keep streaming music and have a fun place to hang out in with the most unique DJs around.

Sunday, November 6, 2022


Now that Halloween is over and it is not quite the Advent/ Christmas Season, you can celebrate some November Holidays.

There are of course the ones you may know like Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day, but there is also a day called St. Martin's Day. This day has several meanings for Europeans.

Martinmas celebrations in some countries begin on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month — or at 11:11 a.m. on November 11. Carnival season also officially starts on November 11th at 11:11 am. At this time, people celebrate the beginning of what is often referred to as the “fifth” (Carnival) season. In the weeks leading up to the festivities, Carnival clubs meet to discuss upcoming performances, costumes, and parades.

Saint Martin’s Day now often involves feasts, dances, and bonfires. After sunset, children walk with their homemade, candle-lit lanterns on a stick through the streets following a man dressed as St. Martin on the horse. The walk usually ends at a bonfire, where the depiction of St. Martin cutting and sharing his coat comes alive, and the children receive their Bread Man (Weckman, Stutenkerl).

I have some lanterns that you can pick up for FREE in the gallery at the Little Red Riding Hood Exhibit. 

Happy November everybody!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Halloween at the Basement Club

This year we have DJ Bun G Chord playing some Halloween tunes, not the ordinary ones because we are unique. 
Come in your favorite Halloween costume and party with us while you get some clues to solve a puzzle only here at the Basement Club on the Retreat Property. This start at 6PM SLT on Monday, October 31, 2022

There is still the hunt going on in the forest at the Retreat, so check that out which includes the little red riding hood exhibit. You can pick up a few things along your way.

We have DJs Monday through Friday starting at 6PM and each of them exposes you to a variety of music. It is a unique little club unlike any other in Second Life. 

We believe that being unique and different is what makes us come here. Recognize and embrace those attributes and talents that make you an extraordinary person. Happiness is being unique. Every individual has their own unique, creative gifts which are influenced by their own vision. We love to hear about your special talents, your story, and what makes you "YOU". Join us here at the Basement Club or at the Retreat.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Let's go Trick or Treating

As we grow older we may be looked weird upon if we go trick or treating, but here in Second Life, it does not matter how old you are. There are so many spooky places to visit and see. 
Why we say Trick or Treat is not really known, but it became popular in the USA in the early 1950s from a cartoon and it stuck.
Go ahead and treat yourself to all the wonderful places you can find here.

The ghost is a torn sheet,
the skeleton’s suit came from a rack in a store
the witch is flameproof, but who knows
what dark streets they have taken here?
Brother Death here is a candy bar.
For the lady wearing the hat from Salem: gum.
And a penny for each eye, Lost Soul.
They fade away with their heavy sacks.
Thanks! I yell just in time.
Thanks for another year!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A very satisfying feeling

As an artist, I feel Second Life is a BIG art room where you can let thoughts in your mind come alive for others to experience.

I love when I create a scene and mood here. I can spend hours just sitting here, adding, and changing lighting and sounds. It is a very satisfying feeling. Art can change lives. Some may think art or second life is non-essential, but it is not.

The poet Madhu said it best:
"I don't mind being non-essential.
Even a child takes its mother for granted.
It does not run back to its mother until it's hurt.
Nobody first thinks of water when they arrive at an exquisite dinner party,
until they are choking.
I don't mind being non-essential knowing you will come looking when things are broken and nothing else works.
Art is non-essential until it is not."

I feel the same about art and second life, it will someday be essential to all of us. You might as well emerge.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

It's witchcraft


Don't you just love Halloween in Second Life? Of course, you do. Dressing up and going to all the decorated places is magical, well it is witchcraft you know.

I recently visited Nimbrethil, Duchy of Laudanum and it was perfect for my witch outfit to be used as a backdrop for pictures. This is an open place for all visitors to explore. The atmosphere is just beautiful and you will feel like you are there.

I was able to take so many pictures in this bewitching place.
What is a witch anyway? Is it some old woman with missing teeth and a wart? Not really. Witches do not necessarily mean anything bad, they are free women who chant rhyming spells of healing. The witch is the ultimate feminist icon because she is a fully-rounded symbol of female oppression and liberation. She shows us how to tap into our own might and magic, despite the many who try to strip us of our power. First thing's first: Anyone can be a witch. Some people are born into mystical families while others have natural abilities. Some join covens and houses to be intimated into a certain branch of Magic. But, we are all magical at heart.

Be good to Mother Earth and others and never ever cast evil spells onto anyone. Most of all, go and visit all the magical places in Second Life and let your with come out. After all, it's witchcraft.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

What brings people to virtual worlds?


Dear Mr. Rosedale,

I believe what brings people to virtual worlds is not only other people. Sometimes we like to escape people and the virtual world may just be the place for that. I enjoy the solitude of the busy real world and I can log into Second Life and create. 

I also enjoy the creativity that sometimes is not possible in the real world. The virtual worlds are so much more than just connecting people from all over the planet. It is an amazing thing. The virtual world does not need any specific goals.

“Second Life doesn’t open itself up to you … It presents you with a world, and it lets you to your own devices.” 

I always liked that quote because in Second Life I can do what I cannot do in real life without people at times. I do not need to answer them, I can block them. Of course, as people we seek other people, that is part of the human instinct we are born with.

I think the question should be rather than what brings people here, but what they do here. That answer is simple, anything you can think of doing is almost always possible in Second Life and that can happen with or without people.

The virtual world can be healing, entertaining, cheap or costly (you decide), fun, educational and so much more. It wasn't the people that brought me here, but the ability to create something that is mine. 
And I did :)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Second Life: Creation of minds

This video I created quite some time ago, but it still stands and Second Life is still a beautiful creation.

I am not sure why we call it second life here in this beautiful world of creation.

Every life here every avatar is connected to our real lives in many ways. It is a learning process of discovering the beauty of our minds creating visions of happiness and sometimes even sadness, yet we are drawn here together like a magnet that has a hold on us. We can connect our visions with others or spend it in solitude, but I sense we all seek that connection to some great mind that spins on the same frequency as ours. Adventures here are endless and they do not limit us, because here we are free in a sense for as long as we need to be. I have seen many things our minds have created and here we admire this work and we never judge the physical human behind it all. Real Life should be like this! Where race, religion, gender, age, or disabilities don’t matter, but love for creating joy does.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Autumn or Fall?

The names autumn and fall are both commonly used. Autumn is thought to be slightly older, appearing in the 1300s, with the word fall first appearing around the 1500s in reference to leaves falling off trees. An even earlier name for the season is harvest. Whatever you may want to call it, it is my favorite season of the year. I love the colors, the smells, and the cooler weather, and not to forget Halloween.

The term autumn is more used in European countries such as the United Kingdom and the term Fall is more American. This season is the only season with two names, so pick your favorite way of saying it. You could always use the term Harvest which comes from the German side which is "Herbst".

Where I live in real life Fall looks like Summer to some regions, so I appreciate the idea that I could have Fall all year round in Second Life. It brings back many childhood memories

Sing to me, Autumn, with the rustle of your leaves.
Breathe on me your spicy scents that flow within your breeze.

Dance with me, Autumn, your waltz that bends the boughs of trees.
Now tell me all the secrets you've whispered to the seas.

Sleep with me, Autumn, beneath your starlit skies.
Let your yellow harvest moon shimmer in our eyes.

Kiss me, Autumn, with your enchanting spellbound ways
That changes all you touch into crimson golden days.

Love me, Autumn, and behold this love so true
That I'll be waiting faithfully each year to be with you.

So, celebrate the seasons to the fullest, each one has its own beauty and charm, and no matter where you live you can have them all right here in Second Life.

Happy Fall!!! Willkommen Herbst! Here are some other languages: otoño, jesieÅ„, l’automne, arbores autumnales.

Which is your favorite season?

Friday, September 23, 2022

And a Sim falls into a hole

We were all having a good time enjoying the music DJ Dulce was providing for us at the Basement Club until it all stopped. It started with chat lag and then we all froze. I could still hear the music and before you could say what happened, I was disconnected from Second Life. I believe everybody else was teleported somewhere. 
The entire Region of "Monty" fell into a deep hole and was gone. Even the road stopped midway.

I logged back on and because my home is in that region, my first attempt failed and I had to try again. I tried again and I appeared at some weird place and tried to get to Monty but that failed. I then looked on the map and tried to land in the next region and that worked. And there I saw it, the hole.
I immediately checked the grid statues to see if there were some issues in Second Life, because that can happen from time to time. Nothing!
My next step was to let Second Life know, just in case they don't realize I need to get home.

After an hour I was chatting with "Boxy
5000" an apparent AI working for Second Life. Boxy seemed pleasant and tried to understand my question about Monty being down.
Boxy 5000: Could you tell me the region again?
Anjelikka : Monty

And then just then like a miracle the glorious region of Monty was back on the map. The hole was filled with all the buildings, the road, and the fabulous gacha items I have all over the Retreat and Basement Club are back as new and maybe even better. Make sure you check it all out.


Sunday, September 18, 2022

How to wear a Dirndl?

First things first, what is a dirndl dress? It is a folk-style dress worn in Germany, but also Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.

A dirndl skirt is a traditional German and Austrian folk dress that is worn by all types of women in Germany, Austria, and the Alps region. A dirndl (pronounced "dirndel") skirt or dress is derived from the word dirndl, which means a young woman or girl. When you hear somebody mentioning dirndl, he or she either refers to the girl or to the dress.

A dirndl consists of a full tight bodice, an integrated blouse that has a very low neckline, short, 3/4, or long sleeves, and a skirt. An apron is attached to the skirt which can either be short or long. You will see this type of dress during Oktoberfest and other traditional festivals. It is not a good idea to wear this type of dress for Halloween.

How you tie the apron has certain meanings, so if you wear a dirndl make sure you know how to tie that apron. 

Wearing the bow to the left means the woman is single and you can approach her. Wearing the bow on the right means she is either married or taken, so stay away. 
The bow on the front means she is a virgin and wearing the bow on the back means she is a widow. Children also wear the bow towards the back.

So all you Schürzenjäger (womanizers and philanderers) now know. The term says it all because Schürze means apron and jäger a hunter. Therefore someone who is hunting for aprons, in this case, those who wear the apron bow on the left.

Oktoberfest is not celebrated all over Germany, nor do all German women wear this type of dress, it is mainly a Bavarian Holiday with lots of eating and drinking and of course singing.

Whatever festival you celebrate we wish you a wonderful time. Drink responsible and do not chase all the aprons you see. Stop by the Retreat if you want to be in the German Forest or just want to hang out.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Second Life my healing tool.

I know many of you may get tired of hearing people talk about PTSD because the term is so overused, but let me tell you from my own experience it is very real. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is unique to the individual but the stages are similar. It is commonly associated with veterans who have served on active duty and those who have lived through natural disasters or massive violent events; however, it can also develop after the death of a loved one or even after a traumatic hospital stay or vehicle accident. I so can identify with this and go through it and I still get triggered.

It sometimes feels like a bunch of sheep running all over not knowing where to go.

Stage 1: The Emergency Stage is when you feel you have been hit by a freight train and you do not understand where it came from. I would often ask why is this happening and I had no label for it, I just thought it is me. This made my anxiety super high and I basically was hiding away from people. Some may run to people and want to tell everybody that some trauma happened. I used Second Life to get away and feel secure and deal with my anxiety in a calm relaxing way.

Stage 2: The Numbing Stage made me deny my many traumatic experiences from childhood to the moment I was diagnosed with PTSD after a violent attack. There was no way that my childhood was bad, but in therapy, it all came out. I am not saying that therapy is bad, but it made the severity of my condition a much bigger deal. Oh yes and I denied it, there was nothing wrong with me.

Stage 3: The Intrusive/Repetitive Stage can happen fairly quickly after the trauma or years later depending on the denial and discovery of what happened. I had flashbacks daily. Every man, every word, sometimes the music would bring it on. Second Life includes many jerks that are narcissistic and can break a person. Not all of course. To be honest I stay away from any of them now because Second Life is for me, my time, my healing and I do what makes me feel good.

Stage 4: The Transition Stage is when you finally accept that you have PTSD and it is going to be ok. Life can be normal again. There is no time when this particular stage occurs, it is different for each person. It can be weeks, months, and even years, but it will get here eventually. If I can do it, so can you.

Stage 5: In the Integration Stage when you successfully worked through your recovery program and now have tools to fight the triggers, you may be able to deal with your anxiety better. There are times when you fall back and life looks all crazy again, but these days are shorter and what you have learned along the way is much more helpful. My therapist would often tell me to find real friends and not rely on make-believe friends from Second Life. I told her those are not make-believe they are real people with real problems behind the screens. Therapists do not know everything.

Second Life has helped me many times to fight the triggers to feel the self-worth I was missing and most of all to be appreciated as a creative person. I am thankful for this. Come visit me anytime at the Retreat that was created for all people in Second Life who may have struggles, and who may need to escape until they get to Stage 5. I am here for you.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Lutz City of Templemore

I have arrived! Lutz City of Templemore.
Have you ever felt like being somebody else?

Feeling like the mirror isn't good for your health? Every day I'm tryin' not to hate myself but lately, it's not hurtin' like it did before maybe I am learning how to love me more.
Beyond the iron-wrought gates and stone sculptures that usher you past the brick archway lies Lutz City of Templemore. Templemore continues the celebration of Live Music in SL through Lutz City with its amazing ambient and nested stages.

It used to burn every insult, every word but it helped me learn (yeah).
Self-worth I had to earn. So I tried every night to sit with sorrow and eventually, it set me free. I do not care who you see and whom you with, I set myself free.

What a pity we can't be friends.
There are two kinds of pity. One, the weak and sentimental kind, which is really no more than the heart's impatience to be rid as quickly as possible of the painful emotion aroused by the sight of another's unhappiness, that pity which is not compassion, but only an instinctive desire to fortify one's own soul against the sufferings of another; and the other, the only one at counts, the unsentimental but creative kind, which knows what it is about and is determined to hold out, in patience and forbearance, to the very limit of its strength and even beyond.

Der Zug ist abgefahren und Du kannst Dein Schnattchen mitnehmen.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Eleven Years in Second Life

Yes, when I tell people in real life that I have been in the virtual world called Second Life for 11 years, they look at me like I have lost my mind. Well, maybe; but what they do not understand is that Second Life is not a game where you play level after level to achieve a goal.

What does one do for eleven years in this world? They often ask me that as well. I cannot even answer this in one short sentence, because there are so many things you can do here.
It is different for each person, the way they interpret virtual reality. Things here are made by the people who come here and they are real. 

You name it, you can do it here in Second Life. Fall in love, get married, get divorced, some have a family, and so on. Open a shop and sell what you made, sing or DJ. Create art or create digital art, the sky is the limit. Learn a new language from any of the residents from all over the world, make new friends, and visit old friends. Live in a fantasy, or make it as real as you like.

The Metaverse is a buzzword that is going around, but Second Life has been here for almost 20 years already, so it is nothing new. I think Covid19 got many people more involved in technology such as zoom meetings, google classrooms, and so on. Second Life has helped me to master those in no time.

So, what was I doing in Second Life for 11 years? I say I was learning about myself and others and what brings happiness that I can take to the real world. Why not experience it yourself, trust me it is better than what Meta is creating.

The Retreat in Second Life

Interesting facts Second Life send me:
Anjelikka, it's your 11th Rez Day

Second Life is fun, weird, and always evolving, but the magic ingredient is YOU. The vibrant worlds you build and the sense of community you provide for others is simply priceless. Here's to another year of imagination and experiencing the impossible.

-The Second Life Team

 Here's what you've achieved in the past year*:

Your Milestones
Average Resident
Region(s) visited
Regions visited
47 day(s)
Longest streak logged in
               3 days
            Longest streak logged in