Thursday, December 22, 2022

2 days before death and how Second Life helped me

The title sounds a bit crazy, but let me tell you it is the truth. 

I underwent a risky procedure to literally suck these clots out of my lungs and all that without any sedatives to put me out. This one I had to endure fully awake. It wasn't the most fun thing I have ever done. I think having my heart broken by an elf hurt more than this. I wish he knew that his voice would have made a BIG impact here. (But F U with your girlie panties and your no-good cheater old hag.) Some people are not worthwhile, you get yours.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.~ Albert Einstein

That evening I was relaxing in my most uncomfortable hospital bed listening to DJ Dandy streaming from the Basement Club some mellow music that aids in healing. I felt good and thought it was a nice gesture. You don't understand that the people in Second Life make a big difference even if we never met them, but they become friends and they help you and give you strength. Without Second Life I would have never had this, so I am lucky.

Things got worse and it is hard to even describe this, it is the horror that I wish upon nobody.
I get this phone call from my brother-in-law and he tells me my sister died. (She had been suffering for a long time). The time of her death was approximately the time I throw up blood during surgery as crazy as it sounds.

My task now was to notify her sons, and my brother in Germany and let them know since we do have a language barrier here. I am telling you unreal. My mother had died Christmas Day while I was in Germany and I questioned myself, why and how can this happen?

The nurses and doctors swung into action to hook up my phone as I cried my heart out and made that call.

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