To stand out is to attract attention, either for how you look or behave or because you perform better at something than others. You'll definitely stand out if you wear your mime costume to school.
Do I feel better than others, no not at all. Oscar Wilde once said to be yourself because everybody else is already taken. Second Life has such a great way to express yourself for whom you are or want to be but are afraid to show in real life. I used to worry about what
others would think of me. I wanted to fit in. "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" - Dr. Seuss.
others would think of me. I wanted to fit in. "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" - Dr. Seuss.
This week and early next week the only reason I stand out is that we are celebrating Mardi Gras and instead of the traditional colors I wanted to make sure to introduce people to the European way of celebrating this time of season.
You might not find many places in Second Life that are decorated for this event, but here at the Basement Club, we stand out of the crowd. This year the Basement will be 9 years old and I still have to think about how we can celebrate this great event. If you have any ideas let me know. Here at the Basement Club, we are known to be different and unique.
So why not be a Karnevalsjeck (a carnival fool) and join us? Fasching is a festival that brings joy, fun, parades, costumes, and an opportunity to break free from the rut. Starting in mid-November, Fasching goes on till the day before Ash Wednesday and ends with a bang.