Monday, October 14, 2024

Darkest Hours, wake thy power.

There is always some light in the darkest hour. You do not have to look back into the past, because the past is always there with you. You may think it is bad, but the past makes you who you are. Yes, there may be some darker memories, but those memories shaped you into you. You survived and here you are thinking it is the darkest hour. It is not. There is a light, just use your powers.

Ok, you need to know what your powers are. Your powers are always there, it is the strength to make it, to take one more step, one more breath. You have it inside of you. We all do.

I love my life's dark hours
In which my senses quicken and grow deep,
While, as from faint incense of faded flowers
Or letters old, I magically steep
Myself in days gone by: again I give
Myself unto the past:—again I live.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

If you find yourself in that dark hour, do not give up. Reach out to someone, because they too may have been where you have been and can help you find that light. Trust me it is there. And in the nights the heavy Earth, too, falls from out the stars into the Solitude. And then returns!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Come visit the hunt at the Retreat

“If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the wood today, you'd better go in disguise."

The Retreat has a hunt and photo opportunity for all residents for free. Find 12 Halloween Pumpkins for you to keep and decorate your own place. They are cute and are modifiable...happy hunting. 

The Retreat also has a Yard sale where you can find Halloween Gacha Decor to buy. These items are below the Marketplace values and are perfect for your holiday decor. The are sale is located right outside the Basement Club. Hurry get them now before they are all gone from Skeletons to MadPea and other designers. Just walk outside the door and you will see it...have fun!!!

Come and visit the Retreat and take many pictures and if you send them to me I will post them in the blog with your name. 
Make sure your environment setting is at Shared Environment to really enjoy the colors and all. Don't forget to explore the cemetery.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I told my OCD I am in charge.

I often need to rearrange or update my land in Second Life. Why? I suppose there are many reasons for that, it could mean my OCD that tells me to change a few things again.

I find joy in beautiful places I create

I just changed the fountain with this new fox fountain, which I love. For the longest time, I had a fountain with an angel. I always look into improving the Retreat. I guess the need to express myself with the perfect little parcel may be part of the self-care I need to get through the day or month. It can be satisfying to see your creation.

What am I looking for?
I am always looking for new things that can improve this. I know I call my blog "No Time for Real Life", it is actually all about real life. We all have struggles to overcome and some of us may do this here in a virtual world. Yes, my therapist once told me to find things that make me happy in real life. 

I do have things that make me happy. I have odd compulsions to collect and send postcards around the world. I found out there are thousands and thousands of people who do the same thing. I just don't see anything wrong with this at all. It is keeping me away from the more damaging OCD behaviors of worry and anxiety. Some say: “The only way to overcome OCD is by facing your fears.” 

Nothing is certain in life. Make the best out of what you have as long as it not harm you or others.

Woot, Help has arrived!!!
As I make these improvements at the Retreat, keep in mind that I am working on myself in the real world.

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not seek the answers that cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them, and the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.}
- Reiner Maria Rilke

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The largest wedding celebration? Or is a drinking fest?

Not all Germans celebrate Oktoberfest, just like not all Americans are from Texas. The Oktoberfest is mainly celebrated in the state of Bavaria in Germany and the most famous one is in Munich.

If you like beer, lots of food, people, and a carnival, this festival might be for you. It is the biggest wedding celebration in the world, but you need cash and lots of it. To be honest I have never been to the Oktoberfest there and I really have no desire to go and smell the beer and vomit mixture. Of course, it can be fun.

You can celebrate Oktoberfest right here in Second Life. Bay City welcomes the harvest time with Oktoberfest, a celebration and carnival at the Bay City Fairgrounds from September 21st through October 6th, culminating in a party in the Biergarten from 2-4pm SLT on the last day. Come and enjoy!

I visited the Oktoberfest and had some delicious SL sausage and a Maß Bier (1-liter beer). They did not have any Lebkuchen hearts that you normally find at a carnival but they had many games and rides.

The correct spelling would be Würste, not Wursts, LOL.
Weisswurst, which translates to "white sausage" in English, is a traditional Bavarian sausage staple of Oktoberfest

Sunday, September 22, 2024


We are getting closer to the month of sorcery. Nothing to fear or worry about. Many people fear witches and Halloween because of what they have read or heard. There are a few different factors that contribute to the development of this phobia. Witch hunts may have been the result of the overarching need for a scapegoat to blame illness and misfortune on. Today, genetics, social learning, media, pop culture, and traumatic experiences can all play a unique role in the fear of witches. Xenophobia, or fear of people who are different, also feeds into this particular phobia.

Don't fear being different. Embrace your uniqueness and stay weird, well in a good way.

"Wild and lovely in the night
eyes on fire burning bright.
What power unseen created her
to walk among the mortals here"

Fear is easy to do, you just follow those who are always worried and they will make sure you become a winner. Instead, be strong and be you, that is the most important thing on this planet, to be you. Second Life allows you to be unique because you are. Transfer that into your real life. Yes, there are limitations. You have to adhere to the rules. Never bestow pain onto others because it will come back to you.

I am not the best role model to tell you what to do, but I can tell you from experience that hate always loses in the end. Trust me when I say there are many times when I wanted to put a spell on someone and see them fall, but I didn't. They will fall on their own and the truth will come out. 

“An it harm none, do what thou will.”
Blessed be, everyone!

You do not have to be a witch to understand that rule.

I know people are scared of clowns or monsters and yes I believe that wiccaphobia is a real mental illness and it can cause a lot of anxiety and stress on someone. My fear is spiders, so I know it is a real thing. Get help if you need to get help. never fear that.

I am a Witch, I do not hide.
A path I follow with great pride.
Love and Light I share thee well,
with intent cast in a spell.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Devon Reggiane

I met Devon many years ago when I was drowning in the Blake Sea. He did throw a life ring towards me. He is witty, weird, and unique but the man has talent and yes he can sing. I am glad he finally got the nerves to do it here in Second Life. If you ever get a chance to see him live, you will not regret it.

I have been wanting him to perform at the Retreat and I hope he will before he becomes too famous.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that he will soon.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Orange is the new color of love!

Well, maybe not, but a lot has been written about the color orange and how it affects your mood to feel more love. Orange is also linked to autumn and the color of dying leaves and pumpkins. The color is also heavily linked to Halloween in the United States, so it can sometimes have a dark or even cartoonish association.

Love Valley Autumn in Second Life combines the color of orange and romance. Ladies if you are looking for romance I found the men for you.

Orange isn’t a color ordinarily associated with romance. That dubious, cloying honor goes to reds and pinks—think long stems, no thorns, velvety petals on silky sheets. No, orange is the color of surprise and warning: a hazard sign, a smoggy sunset, a field of California poppies waving their heavy heads on the beach.

I have this love for orange and find it in many of the art pieces that I have created, as well as my decor in real life. Orange gives me that peace and inner joy. 

Orange, is a color that ignites the soul hue that can inspire, and make us whole
For in this color lies a power untold
The power of creativity, that we can behold.
Let orange be the color that fills you with might
That helps you soar, and take that daring flight
With the confidence of orange, you can do anything
And make your dreams a reality, let your heart sing.

If you are looking for a place to explore Love Valley Autumn is a nice place to meet up or just soak in the orange vibes. Autumn is here, so why not.