Monday, March 5, 2018

Time for Balance

Greg trying to impress me with his balancing skills, ha!
But on the serious note, there is a time when you need to balance your life and get some nice harmony back. My suggestion is to always  disconnect on the weekend. I hear the excuses already, but try it, at least for one day or even a few hours each night. Put the phone down and turn off the computer. Give your work brain a rest. 

Set aside quality time with your family and friends. Don’t just sit in front of the television, really connect and pay attention to those you care about. Make a date with your significant other, have coffee with a friend.Really get to know the people around you.

Most important is to laugh, joke, play, find your sense of humor, subscribe to a daily joke or get a tear-off calendar. Nothing makes the feel better as fast as a good old-fashioned belly laugh.

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