Thursday, November 21, 2024

Second Life Blogger Network

Since July 22, the Second Life Blogger Network has been silent. I understand that they are saying they are working on the next phase, but still for all of us who are writing blogs about Second Life and promoting the virtual world, I am disappointed.

I looked forward to the articles about different bloggers, their style of writing, and their perspective on certain things. Because of some of those blogs I visited places and checked them out, but I feel Second Life has taken that away the same as with gachas. I am not sure what is going on at Linden Labs, but I can tell you it looks grim for the future. 

Money is tight for everybody whether it is real money or Linden dollars, we are not spending as much anymore. This trickles down to the creators and then Linden Lab itself.

You have to do better, people have spent an enormous amount of time and money here to make Linden Lab what it is and the residents deserve something for their investments. This is just my opinion and many may not even care or give a hoot about this and that is ok too. 

Anymore updates on Firestorm and that whole nonsense of PBR just calls for more high-powered computers that some of us do not have the cash for. I feel eventually Second Life will be for the rich people and not the everyday Joes. Very Sad!!!


  1. Have you got special powers or is it an amazing coincidence? :)

    1. I am still disappointed that I have been doing this blog for a long time and now it is only found via my profile in SL. Thank you for your comment.
