"Freedom is the ability to make choices without being controlled by others. It's the right to act, speak, and change without restraint."
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We all know that freedom is not free, and many sacrifices must be made to achieve it. We often take for granted the freedoms we have here in the USA. However, these freedoms may differ in other countries because they are defined in written laws.
When freedoms are being taken away it hurts everybody in the long run. Don't let that happen. Always believe that you can make a difference.
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You matter! I am not here to make any political statement, but we all know what is going on, and we all have our opinions, and that is okay. Do what is best for you.
Consider the consequences of any actions taken.
Count your blessings! And do follow the rules.
Second Life is free for the most part, but you have choices to improve your look, what you do, and where you land. Those things are not free and may cost you some Linden Dollars, which is real money.
To log into SL you need a computer (not free), and the internet (not free). In this case, Second Life is not free, but your choice to have the items needed to log into the platform is free. It is all up to you really. This does not always apply to Real Life, because many things are not free.
Want to get away from some of today's stresses you can go visit Clef des Champs , a scenic sim to explore and take pictures in. There you may be thinking about what freedom means to you, your family, and your friends.