Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Frog Prince

"If thou wilt my sweetheart be,

Clear, clear water I'll give to thee; 
But if my love thou wilt not be, 
I'll make it as muddy as muddy can be."

I am sure many remember the story of the frog and the princess and all he wanted a kiss so the spell would be broken?

Well the original Brother's Grimm fairy-tale was not as pretty as you may know. There was a moral in the story to always keep promises and not judge anyone.

Frogs symbolize new life in many cultures and thus often appear helpful or kind in folklore. However, frogs also have connections with witchcraft, often as witches' familiars.

Perhaps there is more to a frog than you may realize. Think about the transformation that takes place, from tadpole to frog is quite a task.  The earliest versions of the story have the princess committing an act of violence which breaks the spell instead of the now famous kiss. Maybe sometimes someone needs to be slapped into reality so they understand and see what is right there.

Luck is transferable in many ways but first you have to be willing to receive it.

Ein Kuss kann ihn zurück verwandeln

In ihm steckt die wahre Zauberei,
Und weil die Hexen nicht verhandeln
Kommt er nur durch Liebe wieder frei.

Teleport to the Frog Prince Event

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