Sunday, April 25, 2021

Craggy Island - A wee bit of Ireland

A peaceful and picturesque island off the coast of Ireland. Come to explore, come to unwind, come for the craic! Céad míle fáilte.
I have nothing left
But to lose myself in an abyss of sadness and tears.

I have nothing left
But to accept defeat and wish you happiness.

I have nothing left
Your return today would be an impossibility.
And this, that wasn't love, that today you deny
What you say never happened
Is the sweetest memory of my life

I had hope!
At the bottom of my soul
That one day you would stay with me
And I kept an illusion
That nourished my heart
My heart that today has to see you only as a friend

And though I lived in love and completely mistaken, 
I don't care!
Because this was the love
On my part, the most beautiful, the biggest love
And though you'll always deny it, for me
It was most beautiful.

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