Sunday, February 19, 2023

The 5th Season

Are you ready for the 5th season as we call it in Germany? I am talking about Fasching, Fasnacht, Karnival, or in other countries called Mardi Gras. 

It starts with Women's Thursday (Weiberdonnerstag), when women are allowed to cut off the tie of any man they encounter! It's followed by mock-serious carnival conventions all throughout the weekend, where the "carnival president" makes a speech called the Büttenrede and a fake army performs dances while the audience get to drink, laugh and sway with linked arms. Technically it all starts November 11 at 11 past 11.

Rosenmontag is the day when most of the country in Germany has off and parties, this is no day for party poopers. You dress up in a costume and you join the fun. Kids love this too because during the parades they get "Kamelle" which are candies. You shout "helau" or alaaf" depending on the region.

The celebration is a very colorful event where an entire country goes crazy. I don't encourage all that drinking, but that is what they do.

Here is Second Life you will also find many Mardi Gras celebrations. I think the ones I have seen and attended are more geared toward the New Orleans versions. 

If you want to experience something different then why not join us at the Basement Club Monday and Tuesday starting at 6PM SLT.

DJ Likka will play some traditional "German" crazy tunes on Tuesday which is also called Fat Tuesday. Wear a costume and let's get crazy. We start this week with DJ Bun G. Chord and celebrate Rosenmontag, he will play some out-of-the-norm music as always starting at 6PM. What crazy costume can you come up with?
HELAU...remember it is all over on Ash Wednesday!!!

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