Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Have a hurkle-durkling new year!!!


People ask me what I will do for New Year and I will just hurkle durkle and stay in bed watching a movie. Don't take the little things for granted, like staying in bed as long as possible. Why not? It is warm and cozy and a pure luxury. 

I wish all my friends here in Second Life a very happy new year.
In Germany we wish you "einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr". It kind of means to have a smooth slide into the new year. It does not mean that you fall and slide on the ice as some people think if they translate the words. So while you lay there in your warm bed in a hurkle-durkle have yourself a wonderful transition to the new year. May it be filled with joy, laughter, new friends and filled with love and prosperity. 

It's good to hurkle-durkle now and then.
Cuz too much work’ll kill you in the end.
Some jerk’ll say you're crazy,
If you shirk a lot you're lazy,
But the post-nap perk'll pay its dividends.

Thank you for supporting the Basement Club and the Retreat all these years. I am amazed :)
Many things come and go in Second Life, but here we are still at the same spot.


Monday, December 23, 2024

As the year ends

 And another year is coming to an end. A year full of surprises and so much more.

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. So as the year is ending, thank those who mean a lot to you. This year more people who are strangers have stood by my side and helped me in so many ways. That is the remarkable thing about Second Life, you meet people and they somehow become family. 

The past never lasts because it ends but the future is a new beginning for everything.

I want to thank everyone who came across my path and made an impact. Thank you!!!

Have a Merry Christmas or holiday, whatever brings your family together and if you are alone this season, come to Second Life and reach out to someone. You are always welcome at the Basement Club and the Retreat. Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. We all start somewhere and that is ok. I will be here as long as possible and you can always reach me at (Discord) https://discord.gg/JgB2yRujF3 and consider joining our group and getting updates on what happens and even the insights of some people behind the screen. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Is it a drone or is it an alien invasion?

 As the real world is all crazy over the drones and UAPs one must wonder what is going on. Is it real or is it some kind of conspiracy?

Oh no, a drone over the Retreat.
As of right now, nobody knows, and it is a mystery. I know that we, the human species, love mysteries. I don't think we could be alone in this universe or ours, but that is just my opinion, like so many of you. 

Hey come back. "I have questions."

It comes back to the question of what do they look like and what do these aliens want? I would have a million more questions for them. Then on the other hand we may just have some testing going on the the skies of the real world. At least here in Second Life you can be whatever you want to be and you can pretend that they are aliens and it is real, because in a way it is.

Maybe I am an alien
Coming from a faraway galaxy
And maybe that is the reason
That I cannot fit in
That I sometimes feel like a stranger
And long for home
On a planet where houses are built on clouds
Where everything tastes like the rainbow
Where I’m completely free
There, on that planet
Maybe there are no wars
No lies, no hypocrisy
People don’t hurt one another
And they leave you be
On that planet
One can follow one’s dreams.
And being open-minded
Is not just eating or dressing a certain way
There, they don’t care about our personal life
Maybe that is my home

Monday, December 9, 2024

All that Krampus wants

 I am obsessed with Krampus at the moment and therefore I made a little video.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Krampusnacht, meaning Krampus Night, is celebrated annually on December 5. This is the night before the Feast of St Nicholas, the patron saint of children, sailors, and various groups. I have seen it slowly come to the US, even in Second Life.
You don't know who he is? 

He sure does not come via reindeer like Santa does. He is actually a goat-headed demon and punishes those who have been bad. Remember the song "You better watch out and be good for goodness sake." Yes, it is a warning that not only does St. Nicholaus come but also Krampus.

For a more peaceful place to visit why not try 
LeLoo's World Twinkling Trails? This is a Winter Wonderland with Santa and frolicking reindeer. No Krampus here.

Me and Santa's band
The air is crisp, snowflakes are falling and the pond is perfect for skating. Glide through the scenic landscape on one of the sleigh tours or just explore by foot or horse. Every turn reveals new delights and festive wonders!

You can take some nice pictures and try your luck singing with Santa and his band. That snowman was amazing on the piano. 

You can also visit the Retreat for some Winter Wonderland pictures and even Krampus, Santa, and many photo opportunities. See you there!!!

Come and see him or get on the naughty list!!!
The Retreat and Basement Club!!!

Krampus, Pampus, Schwarzgesicht 
Mich erschrickst du diesmal nicht! 
Denn ich war -kann ich dir sagen- 
Nur an 150 Tagen 
Mal ein bisschen ungezogen. 
Krampus das ist nicht gelogen 
Nächstes Jahr wird’s besser sein! 
Also steck die Rute ein.

This poem says, "Krampus, you will not scare me this time. I was bad for only 150 days, and that is no lie. Next year, I will be better, so put your stick away."

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Thank you to all who supported the Retreat and Basement Club

It seems like yesterday we had the holidays, and here they are again. Time never stands still, yet when we are young, it slowly moves on.

At this point in time I want to thank all the visitors who stopped by the Retreat and Basement Club. About thirteen years ago I had this vision to create a wonderful place for all of the residents in Second Life and you came and supported my dreams. 

Life is so easy when you are young.
When kisses heal boo-boos and lullabies are sung.
It seemed that life could go on for years,
as long as the nightlight was there to quiet our fears.
Why does growing up have to be so hard?
When did the world become bigger than our own backyard?
There is no more recess to stop the stress of the school day.
There are no more falling stars that can take our worries away.
Decisions are more complicated now that we are grown,
why can’t we go back to when life was our own?

Let us celebrate and be thankful for this year, regardless of hardships, fears, and pains...we are just about there and I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Without you, this would not be happening.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Second Life Blogger Network

Since July 22, the Second Life Blogger Network has been silent. I understand that they are saying they are working on the next phase, but still for all of us who are writing blogs about Second Life and promoting the virtual world, I am disappointed.

I looked forward to the articles about different bloggers, their style of writing, and their perspective on certain things. Because of some of those blogs I visited places and checked them out, but I feel Second Life has taken that away the same as with gachas. I am not sure what is going on at Linden Labs, but I can tell you it looks grim for the future. 

Money is tight for everybody whether it is real money or Linden dollars, we are not spending as much anymore. This trickles down to the creators and then Linden Lab itself.

You have to do better, people have spent an enormous amount of time and money here to make Linden Lab what it is and the residents deserve something for their investments. This is just my opinion and many may not even care or give a hoot about this and that is ok too. 

Anymore updates on Firestorm and that whole nonsense of PBR just calls for more high-powered computers that some of us do not have the cash for. I feel eventually Second Life will be for the rich people and not the everyday Joes. Very Sad!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

What does the fox say?

Here at the Retreat, the fox says "Come on over and visit before Winter comes.Red foxes even look similar to some of your favorite pets. They’re canines, which are relatives of dogs, wolves, and coyotes. But in some ways, they’re actually more like cats. They have long whiskers, retractable claws, and excellent night vision. Also like cats, red foxes hunt alone rather than in wolf-like packs. It is nice to have them close by in Second Life because in real life the fox avoids humans and hunts at night.

Red foxes even look similar to some of your favorite pets. They’re canines, which are relatives of dogs, wolves, and coyotes. But in some ways, they’re actually more like cats. They have long whiskers, retractable claws, and excellent night vision. Also like cats, red foxes hunt alone rather than in wolf-like packs. 

Here at the Retreat, there are some red foxes in the cemetery and near the plaza, see if you can find them. The Retreat is open to all residents of Second Life and you do not have to be a member of the group. So come on over and explore because soon Winter arrives here and all the beautiful colors of Autumn will turn white. 


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Silent Melody ~ Special Concert

I landed by accident at Silent Melody's special concert and listened in to the live performers of Semina and Sʜᴀᴍʀᴏᴄᴋ & The Defibrillators.

I am unsure if this was a one-time deal or if this concert repeats. Normally, I don't like to be teleported to a spot I did not request. 

This was an automatic teleport when you tried to go to Silent Melody. It was a good thing to get as many people to this venue, but also something I did not ask for.
The place was packed at the end. I must say the performers were really good and I enjoyed the music. Both artists are very talented.

Silent Melody is owned by Celtic McDaniels and Semina and they do have a beautiful place that transforms for each season. At present it is Silent Melody Winter:

"In the heart of the whispering ocean lies Silent Melody. A picturesque winter island where each corner reveals a hidden nook, a tranquil spot to sit and savor the peace to silent melodies, as the world outside fades into a distant murmur."

That was the original place I wanted to visit for some Winter pictures, which I will have to do on another day. It was ok for now, but I think people should have the choice to teleport up into the venue and not be forced to do so.
Be sure to check it out soon.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Aliens in the ocean?

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs), now more commonly known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), have captured people’s imaginations for generations. Despite the widespread belief that aliens are responsible for UFO and UAP sightings, there is absolutely no concrete evidence to support it. 
But wait not so fast, I found aliens here at the Retreat and the Basement Club.

Showing my alien friend what a reindeer is.
They are not hiding anymore; they are here in plain sight. I think these aliens are friendly, and we do not have to fear them. 
Although there’s no evidence yet that aliens are out there — let alone that they’ve come to visit us — the likelihood of extraterrestrial life is so high that we must keep searching.

In case you do not want to wait that long, why not come and stop by and visit our friendly aliens here in Second Life at the Retreat and Basement Club.

Oh darling, can't you see, I'm an alien and you are just human to me. Be the best you can be and show your good side to me.
Today’s good mood is sponsored by the next alien invasion.

From another planet with love.
Whether you believe in these out-of-this-world creatures or not we can at least pretend they are real. Maybe you had your own experience and saw something out there, if so why not share it in the comments. 
 Beam me up, Scotty!

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Kris Kringle Gacha Store

 Halloween is over and it is time to think about the holidays.

All the changes in the gacha movement make me wonder how long the gachas will be around before they are totally banned? 

Right now the Kris Kringle Gacha Store has some unique older and newer items that were collected from all my years in Second Life. 

Items all have been cleaned and are as new, gachas never fade. 
Come on over and take what you need for the lowest prices starting at 25L$. From Rare to Commons they are here and I add more during the weeks coming. 

These items make great gifts because you can transfer them to anyone you wish or if you are a reseller, sell them on the Marketplace or your own store. 

I have gift boxes you can actually put your gifts in them and then gift them to your person. 

Why am I selling gachas? I have too much stuff in my inventory and I need to sell some of these. I also have a Marketplace Store, but you pay a little higher price there because Linden Lab charges you a small fee after you sell an item. I still charge a lot less than many on MP or at my store.

Ho, ho, ho let's get into the spirit.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Castle at the Retreat (for Rent)

 That is right, you can live in a castle and bring your own furniture and decor to this beautiful home, now for rent.

The castle is located at the Retreat next to it. You will have privacy because nobody can see your pixels.

The price per week is L$600 which is really not that much when you compare rentals in Second Life that are not as nice as this. You can rezz up to 300 prims. Many items are between 1-7 prims so there are a lot of items you can bring. 

The castle at the Retreat is just beautiful. Live like a King or Queen but spend little.

The inside is very spacious with a downstairs large room. Think of the holidays coming and that beautiful Christmas Tree here.

Upstairs is a large room with a balcony. Use it as a bedroom or whatever you like. It is here for you. Maybe you just wanted to have a second home to get away from and did not want to buy land, this rental allows you to do this. You do not need to have a paid membership to Second Life either.

Become a member of the group, pay your rental fee (rental box in the back of the castle) and you are all set.
Enjoy :)

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween is here

 Halloween is a fun time here in Second Life. You can dress up in your favorite costume, go to Halloween parties, or visit the many decorated places.

I have no idea why Germans say "Helloween"
instead of Halloween?
I decided to dress up into something less scary this year. We have enough terror in the world.

When I grew up in Germany, we did not have Halloween. We did have a day to dress up in costumes, but that was during Fasching (Mardi Gras).
Now only in certain regions or neighborhoods do German youngsters actually go trick-or-treating (“Süßes oder Saures!”). But while trick-or-treating may be rare, Halloween has become a very “cool” party theme for young and old. A web search in German turns up many German-language Halloween sites – many of them for party outfitters. More and more German department stores carry Halloween-related items in October.

The Basement Club did have its Halloween Party with DJ Casey in her Marshmellow outfit. The music was superb as always. She is here every Thursday at 6PM, so stop by and listen in.

Martinstag – November 11
There is an old traditional German custom that has a few things in common with Halloween: Martinstag (St. Martin’s Day, Martinsmas). The Catholic Martinstag observance on November 11 includes costumes and a lantern procession for children. I will have some Lanterns for you when you stop by the Retreat.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Days in the dumps

Sometimes, it is hard to shake off the days when you feel down. It can be challenging to smile all the time. I try and I try and end up feeling blue. It is harder at this time we are in to recover faster. I also think as I get older I worry more. I do not have the answers to snap out of it, because this is different for each person. I do know I have acknowledge it.

What triggers you? What do you do to feel happy again?

"Stars can't shine without darkness." - Unknown

I will be ok in a bit, I know I will...come and stop by the Retreat and you may find me there.

The Basement will have a Halloween Party on Halloween from 6-8PM with DJ Casey. Wear your freakiest costume if you dare. The music will be great and the people will be funny and oh so many other things. I know there will be many parties around this day and night, but the Basement Dwellers are still the best. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Halloween Art at Xaraz Gallery

Second Life has a variety of art that you can view and purchase, from real-life photography, second-life photography, and digital art to real-life art.

There will be plenty of art at the Xaraz Gallery this month in October, and the theme is Halloween or spooky things. The opening was on Sunday, October 15, 2024, but the exhibit will be around for a bit. Why not come and check it out. 

There was a live DJ and plenty of guests to mingle with, some of the artists who displayed their art here. 

You can even purchase some of the art to put in your Linden Home. If you love art or just like to look at it, this is a fun place to find it. 
It always amazes me what people come up with. Maybe you even know some of the artists, either way, it is a lovely place to please your eyes on some creative art.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Darkest Hours, wake thy power.

There is always some light in the darkest hour. You do not have to look back into the past, because the past is always there with you. You may think it is bad, but the past makes you who you are. Yes, there may be some darker memories, but those memories shaped you into you. You survived and here you are thinking it is the darkest hour. It is not. There is a light, just use your powers.

Ok, you need to know what your powers are. Your powers are always there, it is the strength to make it, to take one more step, one more breath. You have it inside of you. We all do.

I love my life's dark hours
In which my senses quicken and grow deep,
While, as from faint incense of faded flowers
Or letters old, I magically steep
Myself in days gone by: again I give
Myself unto the past:—again I live.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

If you find yourself in that dark hour, do not give up. Reach out to someone, because they too may have been where you have been and can help you find that light. Trust me it is there. And in the nights the heavy Earth, too, falls from out the stars into the Solitude. And then returns!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Come visit the hunt at the Retreat

“If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the wood today, you'd better go in disguise."

The Retreat has a hunt and photo opportunity for all residents for free. Find 12 Halloween Pumpkins for you to keep and decorate your own place. They are cute and are modifiable...happy hunting. 

The Retreat also has a Yard sale where you can find Halloween Gacha Decor to buy. These items are below the Marketplace values and are perfect for your holiday decor. The are sale is located right outside the Basement Club. Hurry get them now before they are all gone from Skeletons to MadPea and other designers. Just walk outside the door and you will see it...have fun!!!

Come and visit the Retreat and take many pictures and if you send them to me I will post them in the blog with your name. 
Make sure your environment setting is at Shared Environment to really enjoy the colors and all. Don't forget to explore the cemetery.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

I told my OCD I am in charge.

I often need to rearrange or update my land in Second Life. Why? I suppose there are many reasons for that, it could mean my OCD that tells me to change a few things again.

I find joy in beautiful places I create

I just changed the fountain with this new fox fountain, which I love. For the longest time, I had a fountain with an angel. I always look into improving the Retreat. I guess the need to express myself with the perfect little parcel may be part of the self-care I need to get through the day or month. It can be satisfying to see your creation.

What am I looking for?
I am always looking for new things that can improve this. I know I call my blog "No Time for Real Life", it is actually all about real life. We all have struggles to overcome and some of us may do this here in a virtual world. Yes, my therapist once told me to find things that make me happy in real life. 

I do have things that make me happy. I have odd compulsions to collect and send postcards around the world. I found out there are thousands and thousands of people who do the same thing. I just don't see anything wrong with this at all. It is keeping me away from the more damaging OCD behaviors of worry and anxiety. Some say: “The only way to overcome OCD is by facing your fears.” 

Nothing is certain in life. Make the best out of what you have as long as it not harm you or others.

Woot, Help has arrived!!!
As I make these improvements at the Retreat, keep in mind that I am working on myself in the real world.

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not seek the answers that cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them, and the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.}
- Reiner Maria Rilke

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The largest wedding celebration? Or is a drinking fest?

Not all Germans celebrate Oktoberfest, just like not all Americans are from Texas. The Oktoberfest is mainly celebrated in the state of Bavaria in Germany and the most famous one is in Munich.

If you like beer, lots of food, people, and a carnival, this festival might be for you. It is the biggest wedding celebration in the world, but you need cash and lots of it. To be honest I have never been to the Oktoberfest there and I really have no desire to go and smell the beer and vomit mixture. Of course, it can be fun.

You can celebrate Oktoberfest right here in Second Life. Bay City welcomes the harvest time with Oktoberfest, a celebration and carnival at the Bay City Fairgrounds from September 21st through October 6th, culminating in a party in the Biergarten from 2-4pm SLT on the last day. Come and enjoy!

I visited the Oktoberfest and had some delicious SL sausage and a Maß Bier (1-liter beer). They did not have any Lebkuchen hearts that you normally find at a carnival but they had many games and rides.

The correct spelling would be Würste, not Wursts, LOL.
Weisswurst, which translates to "white sausage" in English, is a traditional Bavarian sausage staple of Oktoberfest