Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Take Control

Juggling too many balls?

We have the power to control our thoughts, and as a result, control who we are.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, your life isn’t falling apart—your thoughts are.
Take a minute to find and clean out all your self-deprecating, negative thoughts. As you do this, you will find yourself feeling refreshed and invigorated with renewed energy to take on the world. Don’t believe it? 

Try it!

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed with a project at work and don’t think you have the energy or time to finish it. You start letting yourself play out every negative scenario resulting from a failed project.
Stop right there!
Sitting on the couch, dwelling on these thoughts isn’t going to make anything better. In fact, it usually makes things worse.

Procrastination Queen
I know this very well because I will sit there and think about everything I have on my list to do and what I want to get done and at the end of the day I did nothing. Afterwards, I feel guilty and bad about myself.
The most important thing is to always remember there is a new day coming. 

In a world of people obsessed with putting their best self forward, it’s easy to feel like everyone has more than you.

Get that thought out of your head and remember what you do have. Often the things you have right now are things you were worried about having in the past.

Don’t let an insatiable desire for more blind you from seeing and appreciating everything you have right now. You have more than you know. Be grateful. It may sound silly but I am grateful just to be able to log on and see my avatar. She is always there. 

However you deal with it, don't stress and beat yourself up over something you may not have control over.  I know easier said than done. Never feel like a victim but instead feel like you can get it all done, step by step, and day by day. You got this!!!

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