Sunday, January 30, 2022

Why is love "red" ?

From all the species on this planet, human love is the most complex. Animals just go by instinct and do what they suppose to do, mainly mating. Humans on the other hand use love in a variety of ways. You can love, be in love, or lust.

Red is an emotionally intense color, it stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. A red dress attracts attention and captures the imagination. The color red is used in all Valentine's Day decorations because, in some cultures, red denotes purity, joy, and celebration. The Chinese use a lot of red for good luck.

  • The red color made it all very tempting. The men were very willing to comply with whatever I suggested. Shhhh, do not tell them it was an experiment. Did my red dress lure these guys to stand next to me? Each one was willing and said yes to the picture taking. Seth said say anything you like about me, I even like the red hearts as long as I stand here next to you(meaning me)Jones said I do whatever you want me to even dance with Seth. Bers agreed that he would take the offer of a free dance
Let's see what happens if I ask a lovely lady to this? She also said yes. Doja was so gracious and stunning looking in her red dress.

In a landmark study published in 2008, researchers showed men an image of a woman and asked them to rate her attractiveness. Some men saw a woman wearing a red shirt while others saw the same woman wearing a blue shirt. Results showed that men rated the woman in red as more sexually desirable than the same woman in blue.

There you go red is ever so beautiful in Second Life and love is blooming all around. Check out this romantic sim called Amore Italiano, a romantic Italian country-style destination built with love. It is the perfect place to take your loved one for a romantic date. You can also explore with friends and family. The Amore church and beautiful reception area by the sea are ready for beautiful Italian-style weddings!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The sight of stars makes me dream

I kind of think of this as Vincent van Gogh quoted the sight of stars makes me dream. You have to have something to dream about, something to look forward to. It does not have to be stars, it can be anything that inspired you to not give up hope. Vincent was not only a great painter ( my favorite ) but he also possessed wisdom: If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is grass in the beginning.

The great thing about Second Life is that you can dream and then make it happen. I love going to places and taking pictures but I often admire taking pictures of my own avatar. There is that perfection in it that we all seek. We don't really have to be perfect we just have to be ourselves. When we are young we look flawless and as we get older that beauty grows inward to create wisdom.

So, keep creating whether it is photography, designing, or real-life art. Follow those dreams and do what you enjoy. A dream is still a dream and you are a star in it.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Year of the Tiger 2022

 Get ready for the new beginning of a Lunar Year "The year of the Tiger."

There is a lot in store for you for this year. Like their namesake, Tigers are independent, fearless, loyal, and have high self-esteem. 2022 may be an easier year for you to get some inspiration and some free-flowing work will give you a more relaxed working experience. 

Just think of all the creative things you can do in Second Life this year?

I can think of many new skills to learn because tigers do not give up and they try again and are up to the challenge.
Want to learn a new skill in Second Life like making clothes or objects? Why not start this year. You can do this. This is a great year for learning and doing. I think I will try to learn a few new tricks on how to improve writing and photography within Second Life. All these skills help in the Real World because one is connected to the other. 
With all the talk about the Metaverse, there is no better place to come to the virtual place that has been growing for almost 20 years. 

I will try to explore some new places here in Second Life and write about them. The end of 2021 was a bit rough with the illness that never fully left my body. I am better now and here I come.

Whatever you will plan for this year I wish you good luck and fortune to come upon you. Don't forget to visit me at the Retreat and the Basement Club. Also, visit the new exhibit in the Retreat Gallery. Be passionate in everything you do, it makes a world of a difference and you are the tiger that is shining bright.

Happy Lunar New Year' is "Gong hei fat choy" (恭喜发财)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

How did I get here?


We all have a reason for how we got into Second Life. Maybe it was curiosity or a friend told you about it? It is different for all of us, but it is also the same for those of us who stayed here for many years. 

I knew right from the first day I logged in that I was going to like this and that I was going to capture my journey in this blog. I also realized that this was not a game. There was no goal in winning anything here. 

It was all about healing from PTSD and anxiety that I wanted to overcome. Of course, my therapist thought it would be better to stay in the Real World and be creative there and meet people live. What she did not know was that Second Life was and still is my therapy regardless of the many heartaches I endured. People come and go whether that is in the real world or here in second life. It is the people that drive this virtual world and it is as real as it gets. 

I have spent more than 10 years here and as long as it will be around I will be here. I have learned so many skills in second life that I never learned in college. These skills helped me tremendously during this pandemic. How else was I going to teach fun and exciting things to my student? 

The blog is kind of like a diary where I can see my progress which I would not be able to have done without going through it. I learned to DJ, I learned to build, and I learned to make some friends. I am thankful to the people I met.

How did I get here? I got here because it was where I needed to be. This video I made several years back and is still the same, it still inspires me to never give up and keep going.

Keep going people, do not give up. It all will turn out great and in the end, you can say: I did this, I lived this and what a great experience it was and still is.

If I can do this, so can you...set your goals to be the best you can be one step at a time. Life is still good.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Welcome 2022

“No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” 

Life is like a book, each new year's day is like a new chapter. Let's see what you can write this year.

There were so many celebrations here in Second Life on New Year's Eve. I hope you found one that made you smile and laugh. I know many of you make resolutions for the new year and my wish for you is that they all get accomplished. The last 2 years have been challenging for all of us and thanks to Second Life to have a safe place to go and be social. It truly has been a blessing. I used Second Life in photography to make Google Slides for my students in real life. Who would have thought that my evening life would become something that I can use in my professional life? 
Second Life also helped me with my art to get more inspired to paint and draw and create new exhibits for others to enjoy. Many of my art pieces I have converted into postcards and some of my Second Life friends received a "real" copy of them. The postcards were also inspired by Second Life when I saw an exhibit there and quickly signed up for Postcrossing and then started to send out my art. What will I do next? I know one thing I will be looking to see what I can learn from Second Life and then use it in my real life.

There will be laughter, music, and lots of creation. Make it a habit to spend time with friends who make you laugh. And then return the favor by sharing funny stories or jokes with those around you.

I will try to take a little more time to write in my blog entries, the last month was a bit challenging with being sick and near covid scares and still trying to recover from it all.

Have a wonderful happy beginning of 2022, come and see me in Second Life at the Retreat and Basement Club.