Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nocturnal' lifestyle

There are things to be explored at night that early risers will never experience. There are ideas formulated and tasks completed that early risers never get to finish.

I have a tendency to stay up late, very late that is or I wake up in the middle of the night. I do have the best ideas when the world is sleeping and I do prefer the night.

There’s electricity in the moon. A pulse, magic, energy. A bewitching entrancement unlike that of the sun.
The moon is for things unseen, things done in the shadows and beneath the fog. Under bridges and beneath bed sheets -- it’s for wild hearts and unconcerned minds.

If you find yourself awake until all hours of the morning, don't fret.

It could be a sign of intelligence.

British researchers have found a link between people who enjoy a 'nocturnal' lifestyle and how smart they are.

Daydreaming during the day can be difficult, with plenty of distractions with work, kids, friends, and responsibilities of daylight hours. Some studies suggest that those with higher IQs prefer nighttime hours since the quiet is conducive to a wandering mind (and great ideas).

On the downside, Aachen University in Germany also found through a study using brain imaging that there’s “a reduction in the integrity of the night owl’s white matter in areas of the human brain associated with depression.” 

In other words, there are actually physical differences in the brain between morning risers and late sleepers. Also of note – the same researchers say only about 10-percent of people are true morning people, while only 20-percent are natural night owls.

Oh well, I am gonna stay up as late as I can....

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