I am often asked by my fellow Second Lifers that I must be excited about Oktoberfest and since I am German I must love beer. I can tell you already the answer is no for both of those questions.
Second Life loves the Oktoberfest as well and many places decorate and wear the traditional Lederhosen for the Buam (boys=men) and the Dirndl for the Madln (girls=women).
Here is another fun German word: A Zechpreller is someone who patrons a restaurant and/or bar, consumes food and/or drink, and leaves without paying. In America we call that person a… well, just use your imagination here. Regardless, you probably have a name for such behavior where you live as well because, as it turns out, jerks are universal. Now I better never, EVER hear of you being a Zechpreller at Oktoberfest, ya dig?
And if you witness this kind of behavior yourself, be sure to call him/her out using the proper German term.
Oans, zwoa, g’suffa! Oh, I forgot I do not even drink beer, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy it. Just ask Draxter Depres for some of those Bavarian Traditions, he has some hands-on knowledge. I doubt he likes beer, because of not all German drink beer or alcohol. I do like Eierlikör, but that is for another holiday.