Friday, November 19, 2021

Hurray for Live Performers in Second Life!

Oblee did an outstanding performance in the Basement Club. If you have never heard of him, you will have to check out his website and listen in. His music is innovative and refreshing and always easy to the ears. We most definitely will ask him to return. 

I believe everybody had a great time. Thank you to Dandy for the Pre-Show and managing skills to book Oblee for the Basement Club. You are very much appreciated, even if I tell you in a German way how things are run.

I do want to also thank the wonderful people who came and listened in. You guys have great taste in music. Isn't it amazing how Second Life connects live performers with people all over? Yes, this is what Second Life is all about.
I always enjoy these kinds of things and feel that I am right there because I am and I was :)
Thank you Oblee for hosting you again. We loved it!!!!

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