Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What is the magic?

The magic isn't in what you lost but what you still have. So what if romances come and go and he totally did not dig you and disregarded you. When you are hurting, you are vulnerable. Protecting yourself with healthy boundaries is an essential part of good self-care. Almost all relationships are great in the beginning—otherwise, they would have never started—but the whole of a relationship is what it was from beginning to end.

Because our mind is trying to heal our heart, the painful memories often get shifted to the background and we find ourselves remembering and longing for the good times. We forget who the person really was and idealize who we wanted them to be.

Don't let the disappointment and anger follow you, because it can eat up in you. Questions like why are normal. but do not spend too much time figuring out why. Instead, figure out the now what. And there is no set time limit for healing - as factors including the length of the relationship, shared experiences and memories of betrayal, and the depth of emotion all play a part in the healing process.

The saying time heals everything is actually true in many ways. The hurt will lessen and lessen and that person you once worshipped will not matter as much as all anymore. Someone wise on the internet once said that “the past won’t rest until you jump over the fence and leave it behind”.

Just like this year is almost over and new adventures are heading your way. Just like the song says: 

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne? 

The basic message is that we should not forget our old friends and should celebrate a reunion with them.

When the clock strikes midnite on New Year's Eve, gather everyone together at your party or celebration to sing the New Years Song and remember the good memories of family and friends from long ago. Remember what you still have and not what is gone.

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