Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Remember we are here at the Club Mondays and Thursdays 8-10 PM SLT.
When Americans sit down with their families for Thanksgiving dinner, most of them will probably gorge themselves on the same traditional Thanksgiving menu, with turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and pumpkin pie taking up the most real estate on the plates. How did these dishes become the national "what you eat on Thanksgiving" options, though?

Most likely there were no turkeys like we know now around and the pilgrims for sure ate other cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie either. They may have had some birds to eat but not even mashed potatoes were around. So Thanksgiving meal was totally commercialized and became an American thing. 

The publication of A Christmas Carol in 1843 may have helped force along the turkey's cause as a holiday delicacy when Scrooge magnanimously sends the Cratchit family a Christmas turkey. Alexander Hamilton once remarked that, "No citizen of the U.S. shall refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day."

Time to be an original and stop eating turkeys and all those things that were dictated for you to have. Be you, eat Vegan :)I meant eat what you like and not because everybody else jumps off the bridge.

Oh, one thing for sure....being thankful is always appreciated no matter what you believe is a moral obligation to yourself and humanity, so do it.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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