Friday, November 16, 2018

Take a Tylenol

Love can’t kill you? Think again there. The idea of “broken heart syndrome” has been around for ages, but it’s a real condition — known as stress cardiomyopathy" in the medical community. Heartbroken lovers with stress cardiomyopathy have two to three times as much adrenaline in their blood as people who suffer from a classic heart attack, and they have seven to thirty-four times more adrenaline than normal individuals. What that mean? Taking a Tylenol actually might ease your emotional pain.

with love the world seem to bloom everywhere
I am not sure that just taking a Tylenol will do the trick. There are so many more emotions and feelings that go into all of this. Your mind tricks you into believing that you "I'll never meet anyone else," "I'm too old/overweight/unattractive" or "I don't have time for a new relationship." The temptation is to shut down, open that bag of potato chips, pour that glass of wine, turn on the TV and give up on love.

without love the world is cold and empty
For the mind, love is a dangerous path. The mind will advise you to avoid love, but this is even more dangerous, because love is the central core of our lives. A life without love is a life that is withered and dried up. Always choose love because even though there is pain, to suffer in love is not to suffer in vain; it takes you to higher levels of consciousness. There is a positive, creative outcome for you. If you choose the mind you will also suffer, but it will be useless suffering with an unproductive outcome. Life will be dull, and you will become neurotic from lack of love.

oh I see him...darn he ran as soon as he saw me :(
Time to put the struggle behind you and move on and do the things you love...most of all...LOVE yourself...I mean it really look at yourself and feel grateful for all the things you bring to this world. They are unique, they are special, they are you. Time to embrace it and stop taking pills to disguise the pain.

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