Sunday, June 16, 2019

The color "Yellow"

Home sweet home
The yellow color helps us find new ways of doing things. It is a practical thinker and not a dreamer. The yellow color helps make decisions and relates to clarity of thought and new ideas. Yellow also helps us focus, study and remember information. This can be useful under examination situations. The color yellow can also be anxiety-provoking as it moves rapidly forward in life, making us nervous. It can be associated with being scared, a coward, or envy. You’ve probably heard of the term “feeling yellow”. Yellow also has a tendency to make you more analytical and mentally critical, which include self-criticism, as well as criticism towards other people.

Dark yellow represents caution, jealousy, decay, and disease. Light yellow is associated with intelligence, freshness, and joy. This is how the color yellow affects you:

1.Makes it easier to make decisions and think clearly
2.Stimulates the nervous system
3.Sharpens memory and concentration
4.Encourages communication

Attention-grabbing: Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most attention-getting color. Yellow can be used in a small amount to draw notice, such as on traffic sign or advertisements.
Energetic: Yellow can also increase metabolism.

"How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun." -Vincent Van Gogh

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