Monday, July 1, 2019

Gratitude can be a challenge, but it can also be a goal.

Rainbows take our breath away. Friendship comforts. Love captivates. How easy it is to be grateful during happy moments, but what about those that make us feel sad?

How easy it is to fight the evil in your protected armor but what about heartaches?

Those we love oftentimes disappoint us, and we disappoint them. Life is not always rosy, but we can still put those rose-colored glasses right back and look for rays of light that appear to emanate from passing clouds. Listen to what it is the man you are with is telling you. If your man says he can't imagine living with anyone, believe him. And don't keep hoping that he will change. He won't change and that could break your heart.

Store up treasures of joy. When you are with someone you care about deeply, relish the good times, the loving moments. Keep them in your heart where no one can take them from you. Only you can dissipate joy through anger or resentment. That sense of an empty heart is something all of us are familiar with.

When we are hurt, we immediately want to protect ourselves. We change some behavior to act as a defense mechanism for the “next time.” These mechanisms compound to build a thicker and thicker wall “protecting” our heart. 
When we go through a traumatic event, it’s normal to have emotions that bounce up and down. One moment you may feel as if you are getting better, only to have something happen that will trigger the blues again. Expect this. As you focus on healing, you will find the good moments extending longer and longer.
Alrighty then I will be grateful for the simple things in life, like the five senses...oh wait I have to skip the "feeling one" that one is the one I always get reminded of my shortcomings. 
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters 
Nothing really matters to me
Anywhere the wind blows

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