Thursday, November 28, 2019

Les anges dans nos campagnes

The man, who has seen the rising moon break out of the clouds at midnight, has been present like an archangel at the creation of light and of the world.!~Emerson
Les anges dans nos campagnes
Ont entonné l'hymne des cieux
Et l'écho de nos montagnes
Redit ce chant mélodieux
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

The "angels" or malakhim (Heb.: מַלְאָכִים), i.e. the "plain" angels (Gr.: ἄγγελοι, pl. of Gr.: ἄγγελος, angelos, i.e. messenger or envoy), are the lowest order of celestial beings, and the most recognized. They are the ones most concerned with the affairs of men. Within the category of the angels, there are many different kinds, with different functions. The angels are sent as messengers to humanity. Personal guardian angels come from this class.

My favorite of all the angels is the archangel, Raphael. Archangel Raphael is the archangel who is called upon to support healing and to guide in all matters involving health. Archangel Raphael uses a variety of healing methods, including direct intervention, where he miraculously and instantly heals ailments; and guidance, where he directs the person toward the best avenues to health.

You chose a warrior, remember?” “As you chose an archangel.
If you need healing of any kind, you may want to try to ask Raphael for help. It doesn't hurt. In a sense, you have to claim your personal sense of power to act on the guidance you receive in order to anchor higher light and healing into your personal experience.

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