Sunday, July 5, 2020

When it pours, play in the rain!!!

Sometimes we get anxious when we worry and think of the "what ifs". We cannot really solve our problems if we always think the same and accept things the way we are, we may not get ahead of it. I am the perfect example of that. I get lazy and forget to change my mindset. We must examine what’s in front of us. But we also must uncover latent factors which contribute to the problem. Don’t look for solutions immediately; take time to comprehend the gravity of the issue. Keep redefining the problem until you arrive at the root cause. The solutions you devise will save you a lot of ‘fire fighting’ and frustration. Plus, for what it’s worth, it will open new avenues for you.

Sometimes I feel a cloud is over my head and follows me, but instead of feeling all yuck and pitiful, I need to remind myself to play in the rain. Think about how you loved playing in the rain as a child. You never thought of the negatives that you would get wet and maybe sick, you just played in it. 

Problems are inevitable. The unpleasant feelings which accompany them… they’re not. Consider all options, regardless of how irrelevant they currently appear. Keep an open mind. Seek comfort in the uncomfortable. You can do this! Don't be afraid to get a little wet along the way. It dries you know.

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