Friday, July 3, 2020

No Social-Distance in SL!!!

One of the lifesavers about Social-Distance has to be the virtual world, like in my case Second Life. We, who have been here in this virtual world know and appreciate this even more.
Social Distance means: maintaining a safe or appropriate distance from other people, especially to slow the spread of contagious illness or disease.

OBLEE performing at the Basement Club brought many avatars here. Please do go and visit OBLEE's website for information on his music.
Here in Second Life, we do not have to sacrifice on this at all. We can be in a club packed with people and enjoy a live performance and still have contact with the people socially but maintain our distance. 

Virtual World, like Second Life, is for all of us to be socially interactive.
So, I read some time ago in an article that researchers believe new immersive technology could lead to isolation, but maybe when social needs are met online, people won't need in-person interaction as much. It is this VR that now brings us together so we can interact with people online. I mean think about it, would you rather not have technology? How would us teachers conduct classes for our students, how can we catch up with family, how can we do just about anything during this pandemic. It is virtually impossible to think about life without all of the technology and right now during this crisis it is needed and part of our lives to keep us sane.

What I am trying to say is that Second Life can help people overcome loneliness, isolation, physical and mental challenges. We who are here in Second Life do not need any researchers telling us that we avoid people socially because we don't. We build friendships, relationships that carry over to the real world and how could we have met these people if it wasn't for the Virtual World of Second Life?


  1. aren't we in the social world for for some connection to life? We've been in touch with each other other for weeks now, we've been eat a scaled back lunch and there have been no break outs. People still wear masks on the buses because they have to. many take the masks off when they are off the buses.We all see a few people each day coming back to life. Breath in, breath out.

    1. I am sure life will resume one the meantime treasure every moment. Make the best of it.
